Our PCBAs use a RT1062 to control murata LBEE5CJ1XK IW416 wifi module.
As I check the SDK 2.11.0 already include murata patch for wifi module.
My SDK version is 2.11.1.
[1] Project example: wifi_cli
[2] In app_config.h , I configure the murata settings.
[3]Interface voltage 3.3v
and control the muratu 1xk PMIC_EN to enable the wifi power.
#elif defined(WIFI_IW416_BOARD_MURATA_1XK_USD)
#define WIFI_BT_TX_PWR_LIMITS "wlan_txpwrlimit_cfg_murata_1XK_WW.h"
#define SD8978
#define SD_TIMING_MAX kSD_TimingDDR50Mode
[4]Test the project, the code lock on
sdio_init() ->sdio_drv_init() ->sdio_card_init() ->SDIO_CardInit()->sdiocard_init()->SDIO_ProbeBusVoltage() ->SDIO_SendOperationCondition() (Get IO OCR-CMD5 with arg0 )
Strange thing is only SDIO_GoIdle() pass,
the SDIO_GoIdle() also use SDMMCHOST_TransferFunction() to send command via SDIO to wifi chip.
And the next command SDIO_SendOperationCondition() (Get IO OCR-CMD5 with arg0 ) is failed.
I can measure the SDIO clock and cmd signals.
Any idea for what may be the problem ?
Thank you.
The murata wifi module seems not active.
so the go idle command return OK, because it does not need return code.
But other command which need return code will fail.
By the way, do you see this kind of fail for Murata wifi 1xk module connected with RT1062 ?
Could you please help me trying the SDK version 2.12?
Hi, Estephania:
OK, I will try it.
And I find may be the murata module is not active.
I had used the same project (wifi_cli 2.11.1) with the AW wifi module on RT1060 EVKB.
It can work,so I think the SDIO and wifi driver is no problem.
Now I try to purchase a Murata 1xk wifi EVK to test with RT1060 EVKB first.
At the same time, would you please check the SDIO command signal for go_idle commnad.
Go_idle do not need return code, so it only on send command.
But other command which need return code is failed.
On the SDIO clock, does the extra clock after the CRC is normal or abnormal ?
Thank you.
BR. Antonio.
In the SDk documentation you can find several documents, between them there is the UM11443-NXP-Wi-Fi-and-Bluetooth-Debug-Feature-Configuration-Guide-for-i.MX-RT-Platforms .
You can try to enable the
With this it might be easier to validate in which part the program is getting stuck