I'm a bit confused about configuring the non-cached sections in MCUXpresso example projects for MIMXRT1060-EVKB.
E.g. building the example project evkbmimxrt1060_flexspi_nor_edma_transfer one would expect that the buffer s_nor_program_buffer[] is located into the memory region NCACHE_REGION, as implicated in source file flexspi_nor_edma_transfer.c:
AT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION_ALIGN(uint8_t s_nor_program_buffer[256], 4); // I changed the buffer global, for visibility in map file
However, looking at map file the buffer is located into the SRAM_DTC region of the memory:
NonCacheable 0x20003480 0x100 ./source/flexspi_nor_edma_transfer.o
0x20003480 s_nor_program_buffer
instead of being in the NCACHE_REGION region (.ld file):
NCACHE_REGION (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x81e00000, LENGTH = 0x200000 /* 2M bytes (alias RAM5) */
The provided macro in fsl_common_arm.h looks like:
#define AT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION_ALIGN(var, alignbytes) \
__attribute__((section("NonCacheable,\"aw\",%nobits @"))) var __attribute__((aligned(alignbytes)))
and - as I understand this - it actually doesn't name the memory region, but simply makes a new section in the used memory region used by the default.
Introducing my own macro I managed to locate the buffer into the correct region:
#define DMA_BUFFERS_LOCATE(v, alignbytes) __attribute__((section(".noinit.$NCACHE_REGION"))) v __attribute__((aligned(alignbytes)))
shown in map file:
0x81e00000 s_nor_program_buffer
The memory region NCACHE_REGION is the only SRAM area that is definitely set as non-cacheable in the initialization, and to my understanding should be the one used for dma buffers.
My question is: Have I understood something totally wrong here concerning the dma/cache settings?
Revisions used are:
MCUXpresso IDE v11.6.0 [Build 8187] [2022-07-13]
SDK_2.x_MIMXRT1060-EVKB version 2.12.1
Thanx in advance,
Solved! Go to Solution.
I seem to remember some of the SDK examples were missing the sections used by the macro:
By default non-cacheable region is located in DTCM which is non-cached. If you want to create additional non-cacheable region in OCRAM you should follow the guide https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-RT-Knowledge-Base/Using-NonCached-Memory-on-i-MXRT/ta-p/1183369
Thanx for the info, it is not too much emphasized in the documentation. Maybe there should be some kind of tips section in some document: put edma buffers in this region, stacks in that region, heavily used buffers in that region and so on.
Interesting thing however in generated function BOARD_ConfigMPU() in board.c is that the MPU attributes for the DTCM memory region is set cacheable, as shown in the code example:
MPU->RBAR = ARM_MPU_RBAR(6, 0x20000000U);
Which leads the simple coder thinking that the region in question truly is cacheable.
I seem to remember some of the SDK examples were missing the sections used by the macro:
Thanx, this was very useful tip, maybe NXP should go through their SDK/examples.
And since we are not having external RAM and DTCM is by default non-cached, we can define the sections as below: