without setting the sample bit in cfgr1 the lpspi4 works in master mode as aspected. With the sample bit in cfgr1 set for the delayed sck for thr sdi the lpspi4 is not transferring anything. The transfer is not starting.
In the attachment is the modified source from the evkmimxrt1060_lpspi_edma_b2b_transfer_master example.
What can be the problem that the lpspi4 with activated sample bit in cfgr1 is no more working?Does a clock component need to be activated in addition to the clock for lpspi4 in order to use the delayed sck feature?
Thanks for an answer
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Hello @Kalimanni,
Sorry for taking a while to get back to you.
I will verify the code and get back to you with a response as soon as possible.
Just one question: the code you provided needs the header file called "peripherals.h". In order to support you better, could you share me the code inside the function called "BOARD_InitBootPeripherals"?
Hello Habib_MS,
Thank you very much for your answer.
I have zipped the whole project and attached it. It is adapted for Teensy 4.1. But that only affects the linker script. All the required sources should be there. The files peripherals.h and peripherals.c should be found in the board subdirectory.
Hello again @Kalimanni. Sorry for taking a while to get back to you.
I am still checking the code, however in order to support you better, can you provide me the next information around your code?
In the project that you provide me the file called "peripherals.c" is empty, is this a mistake?
I did not see in the shared project where the sample bit is configured, can you provide the code section do you configure this bit?
Hello again @Kalimanni . Sorry for taking a while to get back to you.
I was able to replicate your issue creating an example code based in your application, I will be working in order to solve it, and I will get back to you with more updates as soon as possible.