How to use LPCG domain control (LPCG0_DOMAIN - LPCG137_DOMAIN) CCM Mode/ Access: LEVEL

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When I applicate imxrt1160, how to use the LPCG domain control (LPCG0_DOMAIN -
LPCG137_DOMAIN) CCM Mode/ Access: LEVEL, is there any examples to be refered. What's the difference between LEVEL0/1/2 when practical application. Tks!

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Hello @DELPHI_Eric,
Could you please take a look at the following application notes about Power Management?
- AN13148: i.MX RT1170 Low-Power Modes – Application Note
- AN13104: Debug and Application for i.MX RT1170 Clock and Low Power Feature – Application Note
Also, it could be useful to check the iMXRT1160 SDK's power_mode_switch_bm example.
[MCUXpresso IDE -> iMXRT1160 SDK -> power_mode_switch_bm example]
In drivers -> fsl_clock.c you may find CLOCK_LPCG_ControlByCpuLowPowerMode function where they use level 0 and level 1.
Best regards, Raul.

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I saw this demo, But that doesn't seem to settle my question about LEVEL different between LEVEL0、LEVEL1、LEVEL2 when practical application.

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Hello @DELPHI_Eric,
In iMXRT1160 RM section Fields, it mentions that each DOMAIN[LEVELn] is a dependent level of the LPCG for Domain (0-3). A domain is the owner of a module clock which could be assigned trough LPCG0_AUTHEN[CPULPM] and [WHITE_LIST] fields.
Could you please take a look at AN13148: i.MX RT1170 Low-Power Modes – Application Note section CPU Low-Power Mode (CPULPM)? There explains the usage that it could be given to the DOMAIN[LEVELn] field.
In Table 12. Module clocks configuration examples, it shows the purpose of Level0 and Level1 with CM7 and CM4 status as Domain0 and Domain1.
Best regards, Raul.