Failed to connect to MIMXRT1020-EVK with MCU Link

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Failed to connect to MIMXRT1020-EVK with MCU Link

Contributor I

I try to run and debug iled_blinky example on MIMXRT1020-EVK using MCU Link. I connected the MCU Link to J29 of the eval board and started debugging session using Debug in the quick start panel of MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1. But I get follwing error. It looks like it detects the MCU Core, but failed to write flash.

Are there any configurations i need to set? Meybe regarding FlexSPI or the NOR Flash?

MCUXpresso IDE RedlinkMulti Driver v11.3 (Mar 30 2021 16:50:12 - crt_emu_cm_redlink build 18)
Found chip XML file in C:/Documents/MCUXpressoIDE_11.3.1_5262/workspace/evkmimxrt1020_iled_blinky/Debug\MIMXRT1021xxxxx.xml
Reconnected to existing LinkServer process.
============= SCRIPT: RT1020_connect.scp =============
RT1020 Connect Script
DpID = 2BA01477
APID = 0x24770011
Disabling MPU
Configure FlexRAM for 128KB OC RAM, 64KB I-TCM, 64KB D-TCM
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
============= END SCRIPT =============================
Probe Firmware: MCU-LINK CMSIS-DAP V1.098 (NXP Semiconductors)
Serial Number: PJPD5G1JKJGWD
VID:PID: 1FC9:0143
USB Path: \\?\hid#vid_1fc9&pid_0143&mi_00#9&4057a17&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Using memory from core 0 after searching for a good core
debug interface type = CoreSight DP (DAP DP ID 2BA01477) over SWD TAP 0
processor type = Cortex-M4 (CPU ID 00000C24) on DAP AP 0
number of h/w breakpoints = 6
number of flash patches = 2
number of h/w watchpoints = 4
Probe(0): Connected&Reset. DpID: 2BA01477. CpuID: 00000C24. Info: <None>
Debug protocol: SWD. RTCK: Disabled. Vector catch: Disabled.
Content of CoreSight Debug ROM(s):
RBASE E00FF000: CID B105100D PID 04000BB4C4 ROM (type 0x1)
ROM 1 E000E000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB000 Gen SCS (type 0x0)
ROM 1 E0001000: CID B105E00D PID 04003BB002 Gen DWT (type 0x0)
ROM 1 E0002000: CID B105E00D PID 04002BB003 Gen FPB (type 0x0)
ROM 1 E0000000: CID B105E00D PID 04003BB001 Gen ITM (type 0x0)
ROM 1 E0040000: CID B105900D PID 04000BB9A1 CSt TPIU type 0x11 Trace Sink - TPIU
NXP: MIMXRT1021xxxxx
DAP stride is 4096 bytes (1024 words)
XML Error - no license-type XML file 'crt_common.xme' on path.
note - part information contained no product license-type data
Inspected v.2 External Flash Device on SPI MIMXRT1020-EVK_IS25LP064.cfx
Image 'MIMXRT1020-EVK_IS25LP064A Mar 22 2021 08:15:06'
Connected: was_reset=false. was_stopped=true
Awaiting telnet connection to port 3338 ...
GDB nonstop mode enabled
Opening flash driver MIMXRT1020-EVK_IS25LP064.cfx
Sending VECTRESET to run flash driver
Driver memory check after reset - mem not working after mailbox read - Em(12). Target rejected debug access at location 0x2000A2F4
There was a problem after we succesfully downloaded flash driver code to the target, so we are going to compare the flash driver code with the memory where it was loaded.
Note that, after driver initialization, some difference is normal in 'generic' drivers.

Driver from AXF file:
20000C50: f8c23098 2200309c 2200f8c1 f8c1600b .0...0."...".`..
20000C60: 31042204 f8c1600b 310421f0 f8c1600b .".1.`...!.1.`..
20000C70: 310421f4 f8c1600b 4a0e21ec f2416013 .!.1.`...!.J.`A.
20000C80: f8c203b0 f8c230c4 f24130c8 f8c203f1 .....0...0A.....
20000C90: f8c2315c f8c23160 f8c23164 f8c23168 \1..`1..d1..h1..
20000CA0: f8c2316c f8c23170 47703174 400fc078 l1..p1..t1pGx..@
20000CB0: 401f8374 401f8184 f04fb51f 91007382 t..@...@..O..s..
20000CC0: 93014669 fdedf7ff f85db005 0000fb04 iF........].....
20000CD0: 4b0ab510 2200b086 e9cd4604 ab012302 ...K...".F...#..
20000CE0: 23019304 a9029305 f7ff4620 b910fdda ...#.... F......
20000CF0: 07db9b01 b006d4f7 bf00bd10 010c0200 ................
20000D00: b085b530 7382f04f 4604460d 46699100 0...O..s.F.F..iF
20000D10: f7ff9301 b950fdc6 46694b06 95004620 ......P..KiF F..
20000D20: f7ff9301 b910fdbe f7ff4620 b005ffd1 ........ F......
20000D30: bf00bd30 01050000 4604b57f 4615460e 0..........F.F.F
20000D40: ffbaf7ff 4b08b970 46204669 e9cd9600 ....p..KiF F....
20000D50: f44f3501 93037380 fda3f7ff 4620b910 .5O..s........ F
20000D60: ffb6f7ff bd70b004 01070300 2200b510 ......p........"
20000D70: 4b07b086 a902460c 2302e9cd 9304ab01 ...K.F.....#....
20000D80: 93052301 fd8df7ff 70239b01 bd10b006 .#........#p....
20000D90: 01080200 2400b530 f88db08f f3bf4003 ....0..$.....@..
20000DA0: f3bf8f4f 4b268f6f 6a5a4926 3280f422 O...o.&K&IZj"..2
20000DB0: 684a625a 0201f022 f8c3604a f3bf4084 ZbJh"...J`...@..
20000DC0: 695a8f4f 3280f422 f3bf615a f7ff8f4f O.Zi"..2Za..O...
20000DD0: 4d1dff2f fde4f7ff f88d4668 f7ff4000 /..M....hF...@..
20000DE0: 4620fab1 f7ff2118 4a18faed 6811a801 .. F.!.....J...h
20000DF0: f00343cb 404b43c0 68136013 7360f023 .C...CK@.`.h#.`s
20000E00: 7380f043 f7ff6013 2301fbcf 4628a901 C..s.`.....#..(F
20000E10: 3034f88d 3004f88d fb1ef7ff 46284622 ..40...0...."F(F
20000E20: f7ff490b 233cfbeb 46214a0a f7ff4628 .I....<#.J!F(F..
20000E30: f10dfc83 46280103 ff98f7ff bd30b00f ......(F......0.
20000E40: e000ed00 e000ed90 402a8000 400fc01c ..........*@...@
20000E50: 20001244 20001154 b5f84936 03da6b0b D.. T.. 6I...k..
20000E60: 6b0bd431 f0134834 4d340f01 4605bf08 1..k4H....4M...F
20000E70: 6e0a6d08 03db690b 690bd427 f0134e2f .m.n.i..'..i/N..
20000E80: 4b2d0f02 461ebf08 697c4f2d f0144639 ..-K...F-O|i9F..
20000E90: d01c7400 f41369bb d0045340 5f80f5b3 .t...i..@S....._
20000EA0: bf184e28 694b2600 63c2f3c3 fbb63301 (N...&Ki...c.3..
20000EB0: 4b23f4f3 f3c3695b 33012382 f4f3fbb4 ..#K[i...#.3....
20000EC0: 601c4b21 4d1fbdf8 4e1ee7d2 491de7dc !K.`...M...N...I
20000ED0: fba04623 f0000101 69bbf85f f4034405 #F......_..i.D..
20000EE0: f5b32340 d0192f00 b30bd80d 2f80f5b3 @#.../........./
20000EF0: 4b10d1df f8d32412 f3c330f0 fbb66305 ...K.$...0...c..
20000F00: 435cf3f3 f5b3e7d5 d1d22f40 4c0f693b ..\C....@/..;i.L
20000F10: 0307f003 fbb43301 e7caf4f3 f8d34b05 .....3.......K..
20000F20: f3c44100 fbb56405 2412f5f4 e7c0436c .A...d.....$lC..
20000F30: e7be462c 400d8000 1c9c3800 1f78a400 ,F.....@.8....x.
20000F40: 400fc000 016e3600 20001264 1dcd6500 ...@.6n.d.. .e..
20000F50: b8ddf000 0301ea40 b570079b 4604d10d ....@.....p....F
20000F60: 2a03460b 46204619 6806d907 42ae680d .F.*.F F...h.h.B
20000F70: 0404f104 0304f103 4402d004 d1034290 ...........D.B..
20000F80: e0082000 e7ec3a04 3b01f810 4b01f811 . ...:.....;...K
20000F90: d0f342a3 bd701b18 0c00f05f 001cb530 .B....p._...0...
20000FA0: 0012d122 4291d06f 4605d306 21004608 "...o..B...F.F.!
20000FB0: f86ff000 46284604 f86bf000 4621460a ..o..F(F..k..F!F
20000FC0: 4030e8bd 4f40f01c 4770bf08 4249d503 ..0@..@O..pG..IB
20000FD0: f1614240 ea5f0100 bf380c8c 425b4770 @ba..._...8.pG[B
20000FE0: f1634252 47700300 0c1cd442 041bbf04 RBc...pGB.......
20000FF0: 0c10f10c 4f7ff013 021bbf04 0c08f10c .......O........
20001000: 4f70f013 011bbf04 0c04f10c 4f40f013 ..pO..........@O
20001010: f10cbf04 ea5f0c02 bf5c0383 0c01f10c ......_...\.....
20001020: f1cc005b fa220e20 4323f40e f20cfa02 [... ."...#C....
20001030: f50cfa00 f00efa20 f40cfa01 fa214320 .... ....... C!.
20001040: 4614f10e f000461a fba4f824 1aaa2300 ...F.F..$....#..
20001050: 0303eb71 191bbf3c f1cc3801 fa220e20 q...<....8.. .".
20001060: fa03f20c 4322f40e f30cfa23 e7a72100 ......"C#....!..
20001070: eb711a82 bf3c0303 460b4602 0100f04f ..q...<..F.FO...
20001080: 0000f141 2000e79c e8bd2100 f0004030 A...... .!..0@..
20001090: 2304b83d 2f12ebb1 0209d209 6110ea41 =..#.../....A..a
200010A0: 3b010200 4770bf08 2f12ebb1 1800d3f5 ...;..pG.../....
200010B0: bf344149 1a894291 41494140 4291bf34 IA4..B..@AIA4..B
200010C0: 41401a89 bf344149 1a894291 41494140 ..@AIA4..B..@AIA
200010D0: 4291bf34 41401a89 bf344149 1a894291 4..B..@AIA4..B..
200010E0: 41494140 4291bf34 41401a89 bf344149 @AIA4..B..@AIA4.
200010F0: 1a894291 41494140 4291bf34 41401a89 .B..@AIA4..B..@A
20001100: 0301f1a3 0f0ff013 4770d1d2 46034770 ..........pGpG.F
20001110: 0f03f013 f001d10e ea4101ff ea412101 ..........A..!A.
20001120: 3a044101 f843bf24 f1b21b04 d2f90204 .A.:$.C.........
20001130: 0204f102 bf243a01 1b01f803 4770e7fa .....:$.......pG
20001140: 00010000 00000001 00000000 00000000 ................
20001150: 00000000 08180403 00002404 00000000 .........$......
20001160: 00000000 0818040b 24043008 00000000 .........0.$....
20001170: 00000000 0818046b 26043208 00000000 ....k....2.&....
20001180: 00000000 24040481 00000000 00000000 .......$........
20001190: 00000000 00000406 00000000 00000000 ................
200011A0: 00000000 081804d8 00000000 00000000 ................
200011B0: 00000000 08180402 00002004 00000000 ......... ......
200011C0: 00000000 08180432 00002204 00000000 ....2...."......
200011D0: 00000000 301804ab 00002404 00000000 .......0.$......
200011E0: 00000000 20040401 00000000 00000000 ....... ........
200011F0: 00000000 00000435 00000000 00000000 ....5...........
20001200: 00000000 000006f5 00000000 00000000 ................
20001210: 00000000 24040405 00000000 00000000 .......$........
20001220: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
20001230: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
20001240: 00000000 07270e00 00000000 00002000 ......'...... ..
20001250: 00020000 00000303 02000000 00000001 ................
20001260: 00000000 11b3dc40 00000000 00000000 ....@...........
Driver code in memory:
20000C50: 00c20024 2200309c 2200f8c1 f8c1600b $....0."...".`..
20000C60: 31042204 f8c1600b 310421f0 f8c1600b .".1.`...!.1.`..
20000C70: 310421f4 f8c1600b 4a0e21ec f2416013 .!.1.`...!.J.`A.
20000C80: f8c203b0 f8c230c4 f24130c8 f8c203f1 .....0...0A.....
20000C90: f8c2315c f8c23160 f8c23164 f8c23168 \1..`1..d1..h1..
20000CA0: f8c2316c f8c23170 47703174 400fc078 l1..p1..t1pGx..@
20000CB0: 401f8374 401f8184 f04fb51f 91007382 t..@...@..O..s..
20000CC0: 93014669 fdedf7ff f85db005 0000fb04 iF........].....
20000CD0: 4b0ab510 2200b086 e9cd4604 ab012302 ...K...".F...#..
20000CE0: 23019304 a9029305 f7ff4620 b910fdda ...#.... F......
20000CF0: 07db9b01 b006d4f7 bf00bd10 010c0200 ................
20000D00: b085b530 7382f04f 4604460d 46699100 0...O..s.F.F..iF
20000D10: f7ff9301 b950fdc6 46694b06 95004620 ......P..KiF F..
20000D20: f7ff9301 b910fdbe f7ff4620 b005ffd1 ........ F......
20000D30: bf00bd30 01050000 4604b57f 4615460e 0..........F.F.F
20000D40: ffbaf7ff 4b08b970 46204669 e9cd9600 ....p..KiF F....
20000D50: f44f3501 93037380 fda3f7ff 4620b910 .5O..s........ F
20000D60: ffb6f7ff bd70b004 01070300 2200b510 ......p........"
20000D70: 4b07b086 a902460c 2302e9cd 9304ab01 ...K.F.....#....
20000D80: 93052301 fd8df7ff 70239b01 bd10b006 .#........#p....
20000D90: 01080200 2400b530 f88db08f f3bf4003 ....0..$.....@..
20000DA0: f3bf8f4f 4b268f6f 6a5a4926 3280f422 O...o.&K&IZj"..2
20000DB0: 684a625a 0201f022 f8c3604a f3bf4084 ZbJh"...J`...@..
20000DC0: 695a8f4f 3280f422 f3bf615a f7ff8f4f O.Zi"..2Za..O...
20000DD0: 4d1dff2f fde4f7ff f88d4668 f7ff4000 /..M....hF...@..
20000DE0: 4620fab1 f7ff2118 4a18faed 6811a801 .. F.!.....J...h
20000DF0: f00343cb 404b43c0 68136013 7360f023 .C...CK@.`.h#.`s
20000E00: 7380f043 f7ff6013 2301fbcf 4628a901 C..s.`.....#..(F
20000E10: 3034f88d 3004f88d fb1ef7ff 46284622 ..40...0...."F(F
20000E20: f7ff490b 233cfbeb 46214a0a f7ff4628 .I....<#.J!F(F..
20000E30: f10dfc83 46280103 ff98f7ff bd30b00f ......(F......0.
20000E40: e000ed00 e000ed90 402a8000 400fc01c ..........*@...@
20000E50: 20001244 20001154 b5f84936 03da6b0b D.. T.. 6I...k..
20000E60: 6b0bd431 f0134834 4d340f01 4605bf08 1..k4H....4M...F
20000E70: 6e0a6d08 03db690b 690bd427 f0134e2f .m.n.i..'..i/N..
20000E80: 4b2d0f02 461ebf08 697c4f2d f0144639 ..-K...F-O|i9F..
20000E90: d01c7400 f41369bb d0045340 5f80f5b3 .t...i..@S....._
20000EA0: bf184e28 694b2600 63c2f3c3 fbb63301 (N...&Ki...c.3..
20000EB0: 4b23f4f3 f3c3695b 33012382 f4f3fbb4 ..#K[i...#.3....
20000EC0: 601c4b21 4d1fbdf8 4e1ee7d2 491de7dc !K.`...M...N...I
20000ED0: fba04623 f0000101 69bbf85f f4034405 #F......_..i.D..
20000EE0: f5b32340 d0192f00 b30bd80d 2f80f5b3 @#.../........./
20000EF0: 4b10d1df f8d32412 f3c330f0 fbb66305 ...K.$...0...c..
20000F00: 435cf3f3 f5b3e7d5 d1d22f40 4c0f693b ..\C....@/..;i.L
20000F10: 0307f003 fbb43301 e7caf4f3 f8d34b05 .....3.......K..
20000F20: f3c44100 fbb56405 2412f5f4 e7c0436c .A...d.....$lC..
20000F30: e7be462c 400d8000 1c9c3800 1f78a400 ,F.....@.8....x.
20000F40: 400fc000 016e3600 20001264 1dcd6500 ...@.6n.d.. .e..
20000F50: b8ddf000 0301ea40 b570079b 4604d10d ....@.....p....F
20000F60: 2a03460b 46204619 6806d907 42ae680d .F.*.F F...h.h.B
20000F70: 0404f104 0304f103 4402d004 d1034290 ...........D.B..
20000F80: e0082000 e7ec3a04 3b01f810 4b01f811 . ...:.....;...K
20000F90: d0f342a3 bd701b18 0c00f05f 001cb530 .B....p._...0...
20000FA0: 0012d122 4291d06f 4605d306 21004608 "...o..B...F.F.!
20000FB0: f86ff000 46284604 f86bf000 4621460a ..o..F(F..k..F!F
20000FC0: 4030e8bd 4f40f01c 4770bf08 4249d503 ..0@..@O..pG..IB
20000FD0: f1614240 ea5f0100 bf380c8c 425b4770 @ba..._...8.pG[B
20000FE0: f1634252 47700300 0c1cd442 041bbf04 RBc...pGB.......
20000FF0: 0c10f10c 4f7ff013 021bbf04 0c08f10c .......O........
20001000: 4f70f013 011bbf04 0c04f10c 4f40f013 ..pO..........@O
20001010: f10cbf04 ea5f0c02 bf5c0383 0c01f10c ......_...\.....
20001020: f1cc005b fa220e20 4323f40e f20cfa02 [... ."...#C....
20001030: f50cfa00 f00efa20 f40cfa01 fa214320 .... ....... C!.
20001040: 4614f10e f000461a fba4f824 1aaa2300 ...F.F..$....#..
20001050: 0303eb71 191bbf3c f1cc3801 fa220e20 q...<....8.. .".
20001060: fa03f20c 4322f40e f30cfa23 e7a72100 ......"C#....!..
20001070: eb711a82 bf3c0303 460b4602 0100f04f ..q...<..F.FO...
20001080: 0000f141 2000e79c e8bd2100 f0004030 A...... .!..0@..
20001090: 2304b83d 2f12ebb1 0209d209 6110ea41 =..#.../....A..a
200010A0: 3b010200 4770bf08 2f12ebb1 1800d3f5 ...;..pG.../....
200010B0: bf344149 1a894291 41494140 4291bf34 IA4..B..@AIA4..B
200010C0: 41401a89 bf344149 1a894291 41494140 ..@AIA4..B..@AIA
200010D0: 4291bf34 41401a89 bf344149 1a894291 4..B..@AIA4..B..
200010E0: 41494140 4291bf34 41401a89 bf344149 @AIA4..B..@AIA4.
200010F0: 1a894291 41494140 4291bf34 41401a89 .B..@AIA4..B..@A
20001100: 0301f1a3 0f0ff013 4770d1d2 46034770 ..........pGpG.F
20001110: 0f03f013 f001d10e ea4101ff ea412101 ..........A..!A.
20001120: 3a044101 f843bf24 f1b21b04 d2f90204 .A.:$.C.........
20001130: 0204f102 bf243a01 1b01f803 4770e7fa .....:$.......pG
20001140: 00010000 00000001 00000000 00000000 ................
20001150: 00000000 08180403 00002404 00000000 .........$......
20001160: 00000000 0818040b 24043008 00000000 .........0.$....
20001170: 00000000 0818046b 26043208 00000000 ....k....2.&....
20001180: 00000000 24040481 00000000 00000000 .......$........
20001190: 00000000 00000406 00000000 00000000 ................
200011A0: 00000000 081804d8 00000000 00000000 ................
200011B0: 00000000 08180402 00002004 00000000 ......... ......
200011C0: 00000000 08180432 00002204 00000000 ....2...."......
200011D0: 00000000 301804ab 00002404 00000000 .......0.$......
200011E0: 00000000 20040401 00000000 00000000 ....... ........
200011F0: 00000000 00000435 00000000 00000000 ....5...........
20001200: 00000000 000006f5 00000000 00000000 ................
20001210: 00000000 24040405 00000000 00000000 .......$........
20001220: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
20001230: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
20001240: 00000000 07270e00 00000000 00002000 ......'...... ..
20001250: 00020000 00000303 02000000 00000001 ................
20001260: 00000000 11b3dc40 00000000 00000000 ....@...........
(100) Writing Flash ended with an error.
Target error from Commit Flash write: Ef(50): Flash driver failed to initialize
GDB stub (crt_emu_cm_redlink) terminating - GDB protocol problem: Pipe has been closed by GDB.

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2 Replies

Contributor III

I ran into this as well. The debug/Freelink part of the NXP schematic is unfortunately completely wrong (probably copied from another board or early version). In any case, the 10 pin J29 is actually connected to the debugger MCU not the target/RT1021(!). One could debug and flash the debugging interface via this interface.

To debug the RT1021 externally one would have to use the big 20-pin JTAG connector (J16). To use the MCU-Link (base and pro) that feature the smaller 10-pin connector only, one has to get an adapter like the one from Olimex (ARM-JTAG-20-10).

It would really have been great if that was documented more clearly (and the schematic correct).

0 Kudos

Contributor III

Did you manage to use MCU-Link with MIMXRT1020-EVK for downloading the program? I am facing the same problem where I am not able to program my "TWRK60D100M" kit with "MCU-Link" although the same MCU-Link debug probe is used to download program in my designed board (which uses MK60DX256 microconrtroller) using "Keil MDK IDE"

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