Below are my bootloader and application code sequences.
Bootloader steps:
So I have assigned 1 Mb of memory of ext. flash for bootloader i.e. 0x60000000 size 0x100000
And prepare the application binary using keil IDE with 3 Mb space allocated i.e. 0x60100000 Size 0x300000
So I'm initializing the SP, PC and suggesting bootloader to jump on below address of application Vectors
__Vectors 0x60102000 Number 1024 startup_mimxrt1062.o(.isr_vector)
When I'm flashing my bootloader and application with JTAG ULINKPRO debugger both are working fine.
When I'm trying to update firmware using BLE(By following above Bootloader steps) it's not jumping to application and stuck in BL itself.
I have toggled 2 different LED's i.e.
LED1 Blinks - When I'm in bootloader.
LED2 Blinks - When I'm in application.
Based on your description, it seems that you can successfully flash your bootloader and application using the debugger, but you are unable to update the firmware via BLE.
Please ensure that your BLE firmware is actually flashed to the correct address and that the firmware itself does not have any issues causing it to get stuck, you can check with trace log with firmware vesion number or timestamp.