i m trying to update the imx-boot(bootloader) image from user space(target board). from the target board, i can able to see below partitions.
mmcblk2 mmcblk2boot1 mmcblk2p2
mmcblk2boot0 mmcblk2p1 mmcblk2rpmb
i m bit confused to update the bootloader image and also in which partition environment variable available to read the environment variables from user space using fw_printenv command.
while running this fw_printenv command i m getting below error.
root@arm:~# fw_printenv
Cannot read environment, using default
Cannot read default environment from file
below lines are edit for fw_evn.config file in /etc folder
root@arm:~# cat /etc/fw_env.config
/dev/mmcblk2 0x400000 0x1000
/dev/mmcblk2 0x400000 0x1000
can someone tell me ..where i m doing mistake here.
Thanks in advance...
Hi ganesh_k
one can look at fw_printenv discussion on yocto mail list
Best regards
Solved this issue by following procedure.
-> added the "#define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_PART 0" in the "include/configs/imx8mm_evk.h" file in uboot.
which makes the environment will rw to userspace area.
and made one partition(/dev/mmcblk2p1) in emmc for this environment. and given the env partition starting address as env offset address(0x400000) in uboot.
etc/fw_env.config configured as below
/dev/mmcblk2p1 0x400000 0x1000
now i can able to read and write to the env using fw_printenv and fw_setenv.
I don't know if you define new one for env. It can sync with u-boot command or not.
Linux fw_printenv fw_setenv to access U-Boot's environment variables
fw_env.config default directory is in the /etc/
/dev/mmcblk1 0x400000 0x2000
0x2000 : #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x2000
0x400000: #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET (64 * SZ_64K)