Dear all,
I searched the forum and found this question was asked earlier but no clear answer mentioned. Could someone from freescale tell how to decode jpeg using vpudec commandline or C code. I am it will be extremely useful for me and many more.
gst-launch filesrc location=./jeep.jpg ! vpudec ! imagefreeze ! mfw_isink axis
-top=540 axis-left=960 disp-width=960 disp-height=540
MFW_GST_ISINK_PLUGIN 3.0.5 build on Apr 17 2013 12:11:46.
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
[INFO] Product Info: i.MX6Q/D/S
vpudec versions
plugin: 3.0.5
wrapper: 1.0.28(VPUWRAPPER_ARM_LINUX Build on Apr 17 2013 12:09:59)
vpulib: 5.4.10
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
** (gst-launch-0.10:1255): CRITICAL **: gst_vpudec_chain: assertion `vpudec->context.handle' failed
When I tried same with jpgdec, CPU went upto 100% on one core. It does display image.
已解决! 转到解答。
Hi Alok,
This pipeline works on my side and it is not using imagefreeze, the only problem is that display lasts for some milliseconds :smileyhappy:
VSALPHA=1 gst-launch filesrc location=sample.jpeg ! jpegdec ! mfw_isink
Hi Alok,
There is some sample code I have done before for alsa sound , you could refer some part, by the way after use the gstreamer cmd , then use top command, after the picture displayed, the CPU load is very small, so I don't know how you test this, how and when?
GstBus *bus; | |
GstElement *pipeline; |
GstElement *alsasrc,*appsink; | |
GstCaps *caps; | |
buffer_in = (char*) malloc( BUF_SIZE1); | |
buffer_out = (char*) malloc( BUF_SIZE2); |
loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL,FALSE); |
gst_init(NULL,NULL); |
pipeline = gst_pipeline_new("test"); |
alsasrc = gst_element_factory_make("alsasrc","alsasrc"); | |
appsink = gst_element_factory_make("appsink","appsink"); |
bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (pipeline)); | |
gst_bus_add_watch (bus, bus_call, loop); |
gst_object_unref (bus);
// | g_object_set(G_OBJECT(alsasrc),"device","hw:0,0,0",NULL); |
caps = gst_caps_new_simple("audio/x-raw-int", | ||||
"endianness",G_TYPE_INT,1234, | ||||
"signed",G_TYPE_BOOLEAN,TRUE, | ||||
"width",G_TYPE_INT,16, | ||||
"depth",G_TYPE_INT,16, | ||||
"rate",G_TYPE_INT,44100, | ||||
"channels",G_TYPE_INT,2, | ||||
NULL); | ||||
gst_app_sink_set_caps((GstAppSink *)appsink,caps); |
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(appsink),"emit-signals",TRUE,NULL); | |
g_signal_connect(appsink,"new-buffer",G_CALLBACK(on_new_buffer_from_source),NULL); |
gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(pipeline),alsasrc,appsink,NULL); |
gst_element_link_many(alsasrc,appsink,NULL); | |
asrc_fd = asrc_init_config(); | |
src = create_appsrc_pipeline(); | |
gst_element_set_state(pipeline,GST_STATE_PLAYING); | |
g_main_loop_run(loop); |
gst_element_set_state(pipeline,GST_STATE_NULL); |
gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pipeline)); |
Thanks Junping for sharing the code.
I am not sure if this code is any different than what I put earlier.
Actually so far I have been unsuccessful in using jpegdec without imagefreeze for jpeg display even using gst-launch.
any inputs will be helpful.
Hi Alok,
This pipeline works on my side and it is not using imagefreeze, the only problem is that display lasts for some milliseconds :smileyhappy:
VSALPHA=1 gst-launch filesrc location=sample.jpeg ! jpegdec ! mfw_isink
With some reason I have been getting three issues with jpegdec
1. CPU utilization is very high, with 2 jpeg display it goes up to 100% on one core.
2. most of the jpeg files end up in source format error . Any suggestions how to play all jpeg files.
3. When I playing a picture I took from nokia lumia 920, it was split on the display. I was surprise to see that.
Any helping pointers are highly appreciated.
Hi Alok.
Regarding 1, do you see the same behavior using gst-launch? It would be interesting to check which gst element is causing this high CPU usage, it may be the freeze element.
Regarding 2, It could be that those non-working jpegs have non-standard headers. Could you please post one of this to see the error/header?
Regarding 3, yes, This is a known issue. We are working on this.
Hi Leo,
1. I noticed that with gst-launch cpu load was almost 50% compare to C code(above). I was not sure why.
This was the original pipeline and after removing "imagefreeze" pipeline fails
gst-launch filesrc location=./jeep.jpg ! vpudec ! imagefreeze ! mfw_isink axis
-top=540 axis-left=960 disp-width=960 disp-height=540
I would be very interested to know if there is a way to do it without imagefreeze.
2. I am attaching jpeg file, which I could not play without aligning to 8 pixel boundary.
Thanks a lot
1. CPU utilization is very high, with 2 jpeg display it goes up to 100% on one core.
the CPU usage should be high during a short period, because it's decode by software
2. most of the jpeg files end up in source format error . Any suggestions how to play all jpeg files.
didn't see that, could you check the your code according to the guide in this community
3. When I playing a picture I took from nokia lumia 920, it was split on the display. I was surprise to see that.
How large size is this picture?
Thanks Junping Mao.
1. cpu utilization remains high through out.
Please see the code and suggest if something is incorrect.
GstBin *Bin;
GstBus *bus;
GMainLoop *Mainloop;
gst_init (&argc,&argv);
Mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL,FALSE);//NULL to use the current context and False to tell its not in running state
GstElement *pipeline = gst_pipeline_new("PIPELINE");
Bin = GST_BIN(pipeline);
bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(pipeline));
source = gst_element_factory_make("filesrc","file-source");
imagedecoder = gst_element_factory_make("jpegdec","decoder");
imagefreeze = gst_element_factory_make("imagefreeze","imagefreeze");//"Vorbis audio decoder","vorbis");
video_sink = gst_element_factory_make("mfw_isink","XV video sink ");
int axis_top=0;
int axis_left=0;
int disp_width=1920;
int disp_height=1080;
gst_bus_add_watch(bus,process_message,Mainloop); //Mainloop is passed as user data as in the process_message actions are taken on the loop
g_print("In playing state\n");
gst_element_set_state(pipeline,GST_STATE_PLAYING);//Pipeline is also a bin and bin is also an element at abstract level and hence gst_element_set_state call is used to set state of pipeline.
g_print("In playing state2\n");
2. This problem was solved after making sure files are 8*8 pixel format.
3. I thing there is some issue with playing files bigger than 1080P.