I am unable to find out devices shown by i2cdetect utility for i2c-0. I looked at schematics (spf-29163_b2 & SPF-29164_B1) as well.
Device address on bus(i2c-0): 0x1d, 0x38, 0x3f
Any lead?
I cannot find any reference for 2 of the 3 address that you are seeing, I believe that 0x38 correspond to the Focaltech touch panel.
I would like to know which BSP version are you using for your test?
Do you have anything connected to the Arduino and/or MFI connector?
Best regards,
Hi @AldoG,
Thanks for your reply. Correct, 0x38 correspond to the Focaltech touch panel but that is on i2c-1 and NOT on i2c-0(which I attached image in my first post). Here is the result of i2c-1:
I am using my own Yocto distro which includes meta-freescale layer and I do not have anything connected to the Arduino and/or MFI connector.