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here is imx6 tap id in openocd
# System JTAG Controller
if { [info exists SJC_TAPID] } {
} else {
set _SJC_TAPID 0x0191c01d
# CoreSight Debug Access Port
if { [info exists DAP_TAPID] } {
} else {
set _DAP_TAPID 0x4ba00477
target create $_TARGETNAME cortex_a -chain-position $_CHIPNAME.dap \
-coreid 0 -dbgbase 0x82150000 (CoreSight base)
Whats is imx7 _DAP_TAPID _SJC_TAPID and debug base??? can not find need help
Solved! Go to Solution.

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I put them in zip
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"OpenOCD + Eclipse + Jtag debug on Uboot & Linux"
imx7 cfg file:
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And what about CortexM4? How to configure OpenOCD?

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check this post carefully and refer to post of fatalfeel in google
set correct openocd cfg Base addresses of cores
then done and openocd cfg already have m4 example ~~~~
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Thanks, I have uboot and linux also working with openOCD JTAG debugging. However, has anybody tried dual-core debugging of the IMX7D with openOCD already (e.g. of SMP linux)? I'm guessing a debugbase of 0x80072000, which does detect something that looks like the second core, but a full openOCD config would be nice there.
Now, I can set breakpoints in linux too, but if code is executed on the second core, openocd misses it.

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I put them in zip
google ->
"OpenOCD + Eclipse + Jtag debug on Uboot & Linux"
imx7 cfg file:

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do you have i.mx8 debug port and core base address need help
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I did indeed see the post of fatalfeel, it was pretty neat and detailled. Especially the part regarding the fact that linux resets the hardware breakpoints during init was very useful. However, the post is so low-level and elaborate, explaining patches in openocd itself, its config file, and the linux kernel, that I just did CONFIG_SMP=n at this point. I also don't really see -if- fatalfeel actually has debugging working on the second core or not. Do you know this?

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I have tired debug for linux and uboot is ok and breakpoint can stop any place
but if want to debug second core only~ need turn openocd cfg to second [Base addresses of cores]

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my cfg for imx7 on openocd run ok~~~test ok
thanks for all help~~~~~

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does imx7 have Peripheral Port Memory Remap Register?
want to do
mcr 15 0 15 2 4 0x70000013 -> mcr cp15 0 Rd c15 c2 4 and rd load to 0x70000013

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arm 外设端口映射__脚本百事通 on sc6410
explain 0x70000013 address
select (bin)10011 = 256MB
also same as cortex a8 ARM Information Center
Table 4.2. Memory map for standard peripherals
Peripheral Address range Bus type Region size
Dynamic memory mirror (0x70000000-0x7FFFFFFF)
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# Freescale i.MX7 series single/dual/quad core processor
if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {
} else {
set _CHIPNAME imx7
# CoreSight Debug Access Port
if { [info exists DAP_TAPID] } {
} else {
set _DAP_TAPID 0x5ba00477
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME dap -irlen 4 -ircapture 0x01 -irmask 0x0f \
-expected-id $_DAP_TAPID
#jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME sdma -irlen 4 -ircapture 0x00 -irmask 0x0f
# GDB target: Cortex-A9, using DAP, configuring only one core
# Base addresses of cores:
# core 0 - 0x82150000
# core 1 - 0x82152000
# core 2 - 0x82154000
# core 3 - 0x82156000
target create $_TARGETNAME cortex_a -chain-position $_CHIPNAME.dap \
-coreid 0 -dbgbase 0x80070000
# some TCK cycles are required to activate the DEBUG power domain
#jtag configure $_CHIPNAME.sjc -event post-reset "runtest 100"
proc imx7_dbginit {target} {
# General Cortex A8/A9 debug initialisation
cortex_a dbginit
# Slow speed to be sure it will work
adapter_khz 1000
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-start { adapter_khz 1000 }
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-assert-post "imx7_dbginit $_TARGETNAME"
$_TARGETNAME configure -event gdb-attach { halt }
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# shipped busblaster cfg
source /opt/openocd/share/openocd/scripts/interface/ftdi/dp_busblaster.cfg
# imx7 config
source /opt/openocd/share/openocd/scripts/target/imx7.cfg
jtag_ntrst_delay 1000
gdb_port 3333
telnet_port 4444
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-assert "imx7d_init"
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-end "clear_regs"
proc imx6d_ddr3_1GB_init {} {
puts "proc imx6d_ddr3_1GB_init ==> begin"
# /bootable/bootloader/uboot-imx/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-mx6/mx6q-ddr.h
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM0 0x020e05ac
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM1 0x020e05b4
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM2 0x020e0528
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM3 0x020e0520
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM4 0x020e0514
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM5 0x020e0510
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM6 0x020e05bc
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM7 0x020e05c4
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_CAS 0x020e056c
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_RAS 0x020e0578
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_RESET 0x020e057c
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDCLK_0 0x020e0588
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDCLK_1 0x020e0594
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDBA2 0x020e058c
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDCKE0 0x020e0590
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDCKE1 0x020e0598
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDODT0 0x020e059c
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDODT1 0x020e05a0
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS0 0x020e05a8
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS1 0x020e05b0
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS2 0x020e0524
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS3 0x020e051c
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS4 0x020e0518
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS5 0x020e050c
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS6 0x020e05b8
set MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS7 0x020e05c0
set MX6_IOM_GRP_B0DS 0x020e0784
set MX6_IOM_GRP_B1DS 0x020e0788
set MX6_IOM_GRP_B2DS 0x020e0794
set MX6_IOM_GRP_B3DS 0x020e079c
set MX6_IOM_GRP_B4DS 0x020e07a0
set MX6_IOM_GRP_B5DS 0x020e07a4
set MX6_IOM_GRP_B6DS 0x020e07a8
set MX6_IOM_GRP_B7DS 0x020e0748
set MX6_IOM_GRP_ADDDS 0x020e074c
set MX6_IOM_DDRMODE_CTL 0x020e0750
set MX6_IOM_GRP_DDRPKE 0x020e0758
set MX6_IOM_GRP_DDRMODE 0x020e0774
set MX6_IOM_GRP_CTLDS 0x020e078c
set MX6_IOM_GRP_DDR_TYPE 0x020e0798
# /bootable/bootloader/uboot-imx/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-mx6/mx6-ddr.h
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDCTL 0x021b0000
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDPDC 0x021b0004
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDOTC 0x021b0008
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDCFG0 0x021b000c
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDCFG1 0x021b0010
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDCFG2 0x021b0014
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDMISC 0x021b0018
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDSCR 0x021b001c
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDREF 0x021b0020
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDRWD 0x021b002c
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDOR 0x021b0030
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MDASP 0x021b0040
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MAPSR 0x021b0404
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPZQHWCTRL 0x021b0800
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPWLDECTRL0 0x021b080c
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPWLDECTRL1 0x021b0810
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPODTCTRL 0x021b0818
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDQBY0DL 0x021b081c
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDQBY1DL 0x021b0820
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDQBY2DL 0x021b0824
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDQBY3DL 0x021b0828
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPDGCTRL0 0x021b083c
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPDGCTRL1 0x021b0840
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDLCTL 0x021b0848
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPWRDLCTL 0x021b0850
set MX6_MMDC_P0_MPMUR0 0x021b08b8
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDCTL 0x021b4000
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDPDC 0x021b4004
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDOTC 0x021b4008
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDCFG0 0x021b400c
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDCFG1 0x021b4010
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDCFG2 0x021b4014
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDMISC 0x021b4018
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDSCR 0x021b401c
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDREF 0x021b4020
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDRWD 0x021b402c
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDOR 0x021b4030
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MDASP 0x021b4040
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MAPSR 0x021b4404
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPZQHWCTRL 0x021b4800
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPWLDECTRL0 0x021b480c
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPWLDECTRL1 0x021b4810
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPODTCTRL 0x021b4818
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDQBY0DL 0x021b481c
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDQBY1DL 0x021b4820
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDQBY2DL 0x021b4824
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDQBY3DL 0x021b4828
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPDGCTRL0 0x021b483c
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPDGCTRL1 0x021b4840
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDLCTL 0x021b4848
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPWRDLCTL 0x021b4850
set MX6_MMDC_P1_MPMUR0 0x021b48b8
# /bootable/bootloader/uboot-imx/board/freescale/imx/ddr/mx6q_4x_mt41j256.cfg
# DDR IO type
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_DDR_TYPE 0x000C0000
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_DDRPKE 0x00000000
# Clock
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDCLK_0 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDCLK_1 0x00000028
# Address
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_CAS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_RAS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_ADDDS 0x00000028
# Control
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_RESET 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDBA2 0x00000000
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDODT0 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDODT1 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_CTLDS 0x00000028
# Data Strobes
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DDRMODE_CTL 0x00020000
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS0 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS1 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS2 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS3 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS4 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS5 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS6 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_SDQS7 0x00000028
# Data
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_DDRMODE 0x00020000
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_B0DS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_B1DS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_B2DS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_B3DS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_B4DS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_B5DS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_B6DS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_GRP_B7DS 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM0 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM1 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM2 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM3 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM4 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM5 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM6 0x00000028
mww phys $MX6_IOM_DRAM_DQM7 0x00000028
### Special Data write we do not have
## mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDSCR 0x00008000
# Calibration setup
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPZQHWCTRL 0xa1390003
# Leveling calibration (fine tune)
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPWLDECTRL0 0x00150011
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPWLDECTRL1 0x001F0017
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPWLDECTRL0 0x0001501F
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPWLDECTRL1 0x00060017
# Read DQS Gating calibration (fine tune)
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPDGCTRL0 0x03280338
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPDGCTRL1 0x0320031C
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPDGCTRL0 0x0328033C
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPDGCTRL1 0x03240268
# Read calibration (fine tune)
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDLCTL 0x362E3038
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDLCTL 0x38343040
# Write calibration (fine tune)
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPWRDLCTL 0x3838423A
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPWRDLCTL 0x4636443C
# Read data bit delay
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDQBY0DL 0x33333333
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDQBY1DL 0x33333333
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDQBY2DL 0x33333333
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPRDDQBY3DL 0x33333333
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDQBY0DL 0x33333333
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDQBY1DL 0x33333333
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDQBY2DL 0x33333333
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPRDDQBY3DL 0x33333333
# Complete calibration by forced measurement
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPMUR0 0x00000800
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPMUR0 0x00000800
# MMDC init
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDPDC 0x00020036
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDOTC 0x09444040
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDCFG0 0x898E7955
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDCFG1 0xFF328F64
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDCFG2 0x01FF00DB
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDMISC 0x00011740
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDSCR 0x00008000
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDRWD 0x000026d2
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDOR 0x008E1023
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDASP 0x00000047
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDCTL 0x841A0000
# Mode register writes
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDSCR 0x02088032
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDSCR 0x00008033
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDSCR 0x00048031
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDSCR 0x19408030
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDSCR 0x04008040
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDREF 0x00007800
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MPODTCTRL 0x00022227
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P1_MPODTCTRL 0x00022227
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDPDC 0x00025576
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MAPSR 0x00011006
mww phys $MX6_MMDC_P0_MDSCR 0x00000000
proc imx6_clock_init {} {
puts "proc imx6_clock_init ==> begin"
# asm/arch-mx6/crm_regs.h
set CCM_CCGR0 0x020C4068
set CCM_CCGR1 0x020C406c
set CCM_CCGR2 0x020C4070
set CCM_CCGR3 0x020C4074
set CCM_CCGR4 0x020C4078
set CCM_CCGR5 0x020C407c
set CCM_CCGR6 0x020C4080
# Enable all clocks
#mww phys $CCM_CCGR0 0xFFFFFFFF
#mww phys $CCM_CCGR1 0xFFFFFFFF
#mww phys $CCM_CCGR2 0xFFFFFFFF
#mww phys $CCM_CCGR3 0xFFFFFFFF
#mww phys $CCM_CCGR4 0xFFFFFFFF
#mww phys $CCM_CCGR5 0xFFFFFFFF
#mww phys $CCM_CCGR6 0xFFFFFFFF
# default clocks
mww phys $CCM_CCGR0 0x00C03F3F
mww phys $CCM_CCGR1 0x0030FC03
mww phys $CCM_CCGR2 0x0FFFC000
mww phys $CCM_CCGR3 0x3FF00000
mww phys $CCM_CCGR4 0x00FFF300
mww phys $CCM_CCGR5 0x0F0000C3
mww phys $CCM_CCGR6 0x000003FF
proc imx6_cache_init {} {
puts "proc imx6_cache_init ==> begin"
# asm/arch-mx6/iomux.h
set MX6_IOMUXC_GPR4 0x020e0010
set MX6_IOMUXC_GPR6 0x020e0018
set MX6_IOMUXC_GPR7 0x020e001c
# asm/arch-mx6/crm_regs.h
set CCM_CCOSR 0x020c4060
# enable AXI cache for VDOA/VPU/IPU */
mww phys $MX6_IOMUXC_GPR4 0xF00000CF
mww phys $MX6_IOMUXC_GPR6 0x007F007F
mww phys $MX6_IOMUXC_GPR7 0x007F007F
# Setup CCM_CCOSR register as follows:
# cko1_en = 1 --> CKO1 enabled
# cko1_div = 111 --> divide by 8
# cko1_sel = 1011 --> ahb_clk_root
# This sets CKO1 at ahb_clk_root/8 = 132/8 = 16.5 MHz
mww phys $CCM_CCOSR 0x000000fb
proc imx6d_init {} {
puts "proc imx6d_init ==> begin"
dap apcsw 1
mww phys 0x3033012C 0x00000000
mww phys 0x30330128 0x00000000
mww phys 0x30860080 0x00000000
proc imx7d_init {} {
puts "proc imx7d_init ==> begin"
dap apcsw 1
mww phys 0x30389800 0x10000000
mww phys 0x30389880 0x10000001
mww phys 0x30388000 0x11000000
mww phys 0x30388080 0x11000000
mww phys 0x30388100 0x11000000
mww phys 0x30388800 0x11000000
mww phys 0x30388880 0x11000000
mww phys 0x30388900 0x11000000
mww phys 0x30388980 0x11000000
mww phys 0x30389000 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038a000 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a080 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a100 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a180 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a200 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a280 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a300 0x11000003
mww phys 0x3038a380 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038a400 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038a480 0x10000000
mww phys 0x3038a500 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038a580 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038a600 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038a680 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038a700 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a780 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a800 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a880 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a900 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038a980 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038aa00 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038aa80 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038ab00 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038ab80 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038ac00 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038ac80 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038ad00 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038ad80 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038ae00 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038ae80 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038af00 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038af80 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b000 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b080 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b100 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b180 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b200 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b280 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b300 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b380 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b400 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b480 0x11000002
mww phys 0x3038b500 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038b580 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038b600 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038b680 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038b700 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038b780 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038b800 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038b880 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038b900 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038b980 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038ba00 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038ba80 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038bb00 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038bb80 0x11000001
mww phys 0x3038bc00 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038bc80 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038bd00 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038bd80 0x11000000
mww phys 0x3038be00 0x11000000
#PLL clock change
mww phys 0x30360070 0x0060302c
mww phys 0x30384000 0x00000002
mww phys 0x30384010 0x00000002
mww phys 0x30384020 0x00000002
mww phys 0x30384030 0x00000002
mww phys 0x30384040 0x00000002
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mww phys 0x303809D0 0x00000002
mww phys 0x303809E0 0x00000002
mww phys 0x303809F0 0x00000002
mww phys 0x30380A00 0x00000002
#enable ocram epdc
mww phys 0x30340004 0x4F400005
mww phys 0x30391000 0x00000002 #deassert presetn
mww phys 0x307a0000 0x01040001 #MSTR active ranks is 1 ;burst length is 8 ;ddr3 is enabled
mww phys 0x307a01a0 0x80400003 #DFIUPD0
mww phys 0x307a01a4 0x00100020 #DFIUPD1
mww phys 0x307a01a8 0x80100004 #DFIUPD2
mww phys 0x307a0064 0x0040005e #RFSHTMG tREFI is 7.8us trfcab is 350ns
mww phys 0x307a0490 0x00000001 #PCTRL_0 enable port 0
mww phys 0x307a00d0 0x00020001 #INIT0 pre_cke 100ns
mww phys 0x307a00d4 0x00010000 #INIT1 dram_rstn_x1024
mww phys 0x307a00dc 0x09300004 #INIT3 WR=8 CAS=7
mww phys 0x307a00e0 0x04080000 #INIT4 CWL= 6
mww phys 0x307a00e4 0x00090004 #INIT5
mww phys 0x307a00f4 0x0000033f #RANKCTL diff_rank_wr_gap diff_rank_rd_gap set to 3 first ?; max_rank_rd performance
mww phys 0x307a0100 0x0908120a #DRAMTMG0
mww phys 0x307a0104 0x0002020e #DRAMTMG1
mww phys 0x307a0108 0x03040407 #DRAMTMG2
mww phys 0x307a010c 0x00002006 #DRAMTMG3
mww phys 0x307a0110 0x04020204 #DRAMTMG4
mww phys 0x307a0114 0x03030202 #DRAMTMG5
mww phys 0x307a0120 0x03030803 #DRAMTMG8
mww phys 0x307a0180 0x00800020 #ZQCTL0 zq_long_nop zq_short_nop
mww phys 0x307a0190 0x02098204 #DFITMG0
mww phys 0x307a0194 0x00030303 #DFITMG1
mww phys 0x307a0200 0x00000016 #ADDRMAP0
mww phys 0x307a0204 0x00171717 #ADDRMAP1
mww phys 0x307a0214 0x04040404 #ADDRMAP5
mww phys 0x307a0218 0x00040404 #ADDRMAP6
mww phys 0x307a0240 0x06000601 #ODTCFG
mww phys 0x307a0244 0x00001323 #ODTMAP
mww phys 0x30391000 0x00000000 #dessert corereset
mww phys 0x30790000 0x17420f40 #PHY_CON0
mww phys 0x30790004 0x10210100 #PHY_CON1
mww phys 0x30790010 0x00060807 #PHY_CON4
mww phys 0x307900b0 0x1010007e #PHY_CON4
mww phys 0x3079009c 0x00000d6e #DRVDS_CON0 40ohm except ca 34ohm clk34ohm
mww phys 0x30790020 0x08080808 #active rising-edge signal
mww phys 0x30790030 0x08080808 #active rising-edge signal
mww phys 0x30790050 0x01000010 #active rising-edge signal
mww phys 0x30790050 0x00000010 #active rising-edge signal
mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e407304 #ZQ_CON0
mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e447304 #ZQ_CON0
mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e447306 #ZQ_CON0
##wait ZQ_CON1 #73 in ds-5 the command time gap is big if your clock is not slow as ds- 5 please add delay here for about 7us
#pause 3s
mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e447304 #ZQ_CON0
mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e407304 #ZQ_CON0
mww phys 0x30384130 0x00000000 #disable clock
mww phys 0x30340020 0x00000178 #assert initial start
mww phys 0x30384130 0x00000002 #enable clock
mww phys 0x30790018 0x0000000f #LP_CON0
#wait DDRC_STAT #1 in ds-5 the command time gap is big if your clock is not slow as ds- 5 please add delay here for about 250us
#pause 5s
#wait DDRC_STAT #1 in ds-5 the command time gap is big if your clock is not slow as ds- 5 please add delay here for about 250us
mww phys 0x3033012C 0x00000000
mww phys 0x30330128 0x00000000
mww phys 0x30860080 0x00000000
proc clear_regs {} {
puts "proc clear_regs ==> begin"
reg r1 0
reg r2 0
reg r3 0
reg r4 0
reg r5 0
reg r6 0
reg r7 0
reg r8 0
reg r9 0
reg r10 0
reg r11 0
reg r12 0
reg pc 0x10800000
reg cpsr 0x1d3
arm mcr 15 0 15 2 4 0x70000013

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some info for general cortex a7
openocd-targets/ls1021a.cfg at master · 4mig4/openocd-targets · GitHub
openocd code modify for cortex-A7
Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H / openocd-0.9.0 / libftd2xx1.1.12 / Raspberry Pi 2 / Ubuntu 15.04 · GitHub

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Hi jesse
in general one can check ds5 configs :
Best regards
Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

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do you have i.mx8 debug address

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thanks a lot sir~~~~
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Hi Jesse Stone,
_DAP_TAPID for imx7 is 0x5BA00477. i found it in chapter " Debug Access Port (DAP) TAP" of the imx7D reference manual.

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Roger that
still need SJC_TAPID address and debug base address(coresight)