imx6ull turning off during temperature test (thermal_zone0)
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Hi all friends from NXP and forum colleagues,
We have here ond NXP Kit (EVK based on SCH-28617 PDF: SPF-28617).
We are testing temperature rise with this EVK and have observed that the message below appears when the test equipment that raises the temperature is at 40°C. See below:
[ 1481.858375] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (90 C), shutting down
[ 1484.017871] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (90 C), shutting down
[ 1485.139445] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (90 C), shutting down
[ 1486.258514] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (90 C), shutting down
[ 5.316041] reboot: Power down
When We tried to read the temp We got that information:
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
Could anyone tell me if I need calibrate something to decrease the temperature difference and how I can do that?
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Hello @JorgeCas ,
Thanks for your message.
We are using Buildroot 2020.02.1.
There is a way to modify those values ? I'm measure the processor casing and the temperature that linux show is around 20°C above what I'm measuring.
We checked with a temperature camera and the temperature appears to be 20 degrees above what is being measured.
Wainting your comments.
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Did you try with our latest official BSP? If not, could you please try it?
Best regards.
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When reaching passive point, cooling device will notify CPU to run at a lower frequency (trip_point_0_temp).
When the temperature drops to 10 °C below passive point, cooling device will release all the cooling actions.
When reaching critical point, cooling device will shut down the system (trip_point_1_temp).
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/trip_point_0_temp
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/trip_point_1_temp
This is also defined on imx_thermal.c.
Which Linux version are you using?
Best regards.