Hello everyone,
I ordered M.2-to-serial converter board, and I connected it to i.MX8 QuadMax MEK board to M.2 connector, but I cannot read any message that I sent. I am not sure which device should M.2 port use?
I used /dev/ttyLP1 and I set it to most common setting for RS232 (115200, no parity, one stop bit). I used USB-to-serial to connect board and PC, and I used RealTerm to send data, but I cannot read anything.
Any ideas what can I do to make it works?
Best regards,
Hi @Harvey021 ,
thank you for your reply. I know about these 4 COM ports and I am using them, but I want to use M.2 port. I should be able to use it for serial communication, I found somewhere that it is bind to /dev/ttyLP1, but I am not sure about that.
Best regards,