i.MX8M Nano: starting secondary cores

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i.MX8M Nano: starting secondary cores

Contributor I


I have an imx8mnano development board. Our goal is to run a bare-metal code on one of the A53 cores. I found a startup script which uses SRC_GPRx registers for storing startup addresses for secondary cores and SRC_A53RCR1 register for resetting a secondary core to start the core from the desired address previously saved. The script looks like:


Write 0x900000  0x14000000 // bare metal code, starting at OCRAM address 0x900000


Write 0x30390008  0x1 // disable secondary cores

Write 0x3039007C  0x2 // core 1 start addr high byte (0x900000>>22 && 0xFFFF)

Write 0x30390080  0x100000 // core 1 start addr low byte (0x900000 && 0x3FFFFF)

Write 0x30390008  0x3 // enable core 1 and keep running core 0


A uboot bootloader is already running on our development board (only core 0 is enabled by default and bootloader is running on core 0). I used tftp transfer to copy the code onto the OCRAM. Afterwards, I write/modify the registers shown in the above script using uboot commands i.e. mm (modify) and md (read/verify).

However, the core is not starting up. The bootloader is runnig normally after modifying SRC_A53RCR1 (0x30390008) register and enabling core 1. An increase in SoC current consumption is observed once the secondary core is enabled. But the program, which is supposed to turn on an led (4 lines of code), does nothing.

I am using aarch64-none-elf-gcc toolchain for building the c program. I was wondering if someone could help me with:


1. Is this the correct way to boot/start a A53 secondary core on iMx8M Nano processor?

2. Do we need to reset a secondary core (eg by using SRC_A53RCR0) as well as enable it or just enabling a secondary core using SRC_A53RCR1 (0x30390008) register should work?

3. Is the address calculation for SRC_GPR3 and SRC_GPR4 correct? The address conversion I am using right now is based on the reference manual and imx-atf repo c code, however the reference script I found shifts right by 2 in addition to 22 bits right shift as done in the imx-atf repo.


Thanks in advance


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2 Replies

Contributor I


Thank you very much for your reply. Real-time Edge seems a promising solution for our use case, specially when the baremetal applications could be compiled and integrated through the Yocot build system. I have gone through the two user guides and will test soon the RT Edge on a custom 8MNano board. Can you kindly help me with these two questions which are not clarified in the user guide?

1.  The RT Edge Yocto project user guide talks about creating a new project and Yocto version 3.2, however I was wondering if it is possible to add the needed layers for the RT Edge in an exisiting Yocto project? Also, for a past version/release e.g. Yocot release 3.0?

2. The RT Edge software user guide does not list iMX8MNano as one of the supported boards, however, I expect that being very similar to iMX8MMini, it should be possible to port RT Edge to a Nano based platform. Can you kindly confirm this? Or there are some limitations due to which the RT Edge is not supporting iMX8MNano now and will do it in a future release?

Thanks again.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Waseem


from team:


Based on your requirement that "Our goal is to run a bare-metal code on one of the A53 cores",
We recommend to use Real_Time_Edge released by NXP, rather than through a startup script.



Page 23 of Real-time Edge Software User Guide has the introduction of BareMetal framework.

3.2 BareMetal


Image 1.jpg

The main features of the BareMetal framework are as follows:
• Core0 runs as master, which runs the operating system such as Linux, Vxworks.
• Slave cores run on the BareMetal application.
• Easy assignment of different IP blocks to different cores.
• Interrupts between different cores and high-performance mechanism for data transfer.
• Different UART for core0 and slave cores for easy debug.
• Communication via shared memory


Best regards

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