Hello Yi,
See the following link:
I have a solution for the mtd-utils build error. I saw the same error building for an I.MX28. I verified the solution implemented works for I.MX53.
The host used is Ubuntu 11.04 Natty 64 bit. The problem is not host dependent - but rather compiler version.
There is a thread with more info on this issue at http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.drivers.mtd/34059
A quick solution:
1) Clean up from the failed ltib build:
$ rm -fr /opt/freescale/ltib/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/mtd-utils
2) In the ltib distribution there is an older version of mtd-utils, so let's use that one instead
$ cd /home/user/ltib/dist/lfs-5.1/mtd-utils
$ mv mtd-utils.spec mtd-utils-201006.spec
$ ln -s mtd-utils-20060302.spec mtd-utils.spec
3) Build ltib again and this will use the older version which built correctly.
$ cd /home/user/ltib
$ ./ltib
An alternative solution if you desire to use the default mtd-utils (newer revision) bundled with the ltib distribution would be to create a patch and add it to the mtd-utils.spec file to not build /opt/freescale/ltib/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/mtd-utils/ubi-utils/old-utils subdirectory. Based on the thread above this directory is deprecated. The patch would change the Makefile excluding old-utils.There are many example for adding patches in dist/lfs5.1/search_for_example_dir_here
We typically do all our testing on Ubuntu. I've used 9.04, 10.04, and 10.10 with no trouble. You'll likely have better success with an Ubuntu host, just make sure all the required packages are installed.
What may be easier is with your Quickstart board there should have been a DVD included. On this DVD is a vmware image with a 10.04 Ubuntu host and ltib installed and ready to run. You'll find the vm image and a pdf detailing how to install at FILES\SOFTWARE on the DVD.
"On this DVD is a vmware image with a 10.04 Ubuntu host and ltib installed and ready to run".
That's nice. Any chance that this image is available online or downloadable somewhere? I ran into the same problem Claude did. The i.MX40 ARM2 Linux User's Guide said to do ./<ltib_release>/install (page 2-2) and I did not find install so I assumed just run ./ltib. That failed on trying to get mtd-utils. I've now corrected that and ran the <something>install. Hopefully that'll finish soon.
I took another look at this, and ltib is looking for the mtd-utils package in the GPP because it's not finding it in /opt/freescale/pkgs. However, that package doesn't exist in the GPP as it's part of the BSP release and should have been installed to /opt/freescale/pkgs when you installed ltib. I'm guessing you either just untarred ltib.tar.gz from the BSP release, or you didn't have /opt/freescalepkgs with write permissions when you ran the install script.
Would recommend you take a look at the following documents in the linuxdocs package that's part of the bundle in the BSP release:
ltib_build_host_setup.pdf - make sure you have all the host packages mentioned in this doc installed
i.MX53_START_Linux_BSP_UserGuide.pdf - Refer to Chapter 2 for the proper way to install and run ltib the first time.
Hi Claude,
I think your Ubuntu environment is missing the package mtd-utils.
Use "Synaptic" package manager to find and install these. Just put 'mtd' in the "Quicksearch" box.
or from a terminal window:
lucid@ubuntu:~$ aptitude install mtd-utils
Hi Claude,
I think your Ubuntu environment is missing the package mtd-utils.
Use "Synaptic" package manager to find and install these. Just put 'mtd' in the "Quicksearch" box.
or from a terminal window:
lucid@ubuntu:~$ aptitude install mtd-utils
Yes, this release should be fine, but FYI, 11.03 is the latest. You can download here:
As far as your problem pulling packages from the GPP, are you behind a proxy?
Below is how I have the proxy env variables set on my machine when I'm on the freescale network. If you're behind a proxy, change to reflect your proxy server. If you're not behind a proxy, make sure you don't have these set.
$ printenv | grep proxy