I am a green hand. i want to use OPENCL with opencv .I know that OpenCV support Intel's GPU default, And how I can use Imx8's GPU with OpenCV? If I need to compile with OpenCV source with OpenCL ? And I look for Information for Internet that when compile OpenCV with openCL, it need some .so ,like:
static const char *default_so_paths[] = { "/system/lib64/libOpenCL.so", "/system/vendor/lib64/libOpenCL.so", "/system/vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so" }; However,I find libOpenCl.so and libGELSV1_CM_VIVANTE.so and libGLESv2_VIVANTE.so ,and others like libCLC.so libLLVM_vivo.so libVSC.so libGAL.so ,whta i can need to used in the code above?
Something to consider:
This means that OpenCV based jobs may be executed much slower on i.MX, compared to platforms where OpenCV is supported by a GPU core.
Hi Li,
OpenCL and OpenCV are enable and comes by default in your yocto BSP for iMX8