Hi NXP team,
The IMX8QM-evk board is 6GDDR, and now we customized a board to use 8G ddr. can you help me to configure it.
The bsp is base on L4.19.35..
Now I have been generated scfw_tcm.bin with 8G ddr config file(imx8qm_dcd_1.6GHz.cfg).and modify u-boot include/configs/xxxx.h
#define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE 0x80000000
#define PHYS_SDRAM_1 0x80000000
#define PHYS_SDRAM_2 0x880000000
#define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE 0x100000000 /* 4 GB */
#define PHYS_SDRAM_2_SIZE 0x100000000 /* 4 GB */
But the imx-atf will use 0xfe00 0000 address to load bin. When I change plat/imx/imx8qm/include/platform_def.h
#define BL32_BASE 0xfe000000 -> 0x17e000000,
imx-boot iMX8QM/soc.mak
0xFE000000 -> 0x17e000000 , It will stuck at
U-Boot SPL 2019.04-4.19.35-1.1.0+g3987e27 (Jan 07 2023 - 03:18:57 +0000)
Normal Boot
Trying to boot from MMC2_2
Load image from MMC/SD 0x67000
Is there any document can be provided about how to support large memory
It is seem that,u-boot get ram start_address and end_size from scfw. The scfw should be modify something about it.
[7] vir = 0x80020000 phys = 0x80020000 size = 0x7dfe0000 attrs = 0x210
[8] vir = 0x100000000 phys = 0x100000000 size = 0x0 attrs = 0x210
but I do not know where to modify it.
Could you use your company email , so that you can got Higher privilege support?