Xorg doesn't react on event1 with touchscreen.

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Xorg doesn't react on event1 with touchscreen.

Contributor III


I have the problem that xorg-server isn't refresh the cursor when I touch on the touchscreen and set the event to event1.

In default xorg listens to TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 . It works but it is not accurate. So I want to do calibration but the it shows:

# ts_calibrate

xres = 800, yres = 480

tslib: Selected device is not a touchscreen (must support ABS and KEY event types)

So my touchscreen is on event0. So I set TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1 and pointercal-eventX to 1 and than I can calibrate.

I use a file where I write the event number and then run an init.d script to start xserver & matchbox:

/usr/bin/startx     /usr/bin/matchbox-session > $log_file 2>$1 -- -pointer $inputdev vt02 &

$inputdev is then touch-event1 .

In this case, when I have calibrate the screen and I touch it once, the cursor moves to the touchpoint. But when I touch it again

nothing happens. The cursor stays where it was.

I checked input-device event0 in /dev and it respond me characters & also interrupts were counted up.

Then I change to event0 and restart the xserver and matchbox-session and than everything works again. But not accurate.

Even if I change the name from pointercal-event1 (the calibration values) to pointercal-event0, it is not accurate. Like there is no calibration.

Also it seems that matchbox gets also stopped and started when I restart with init.d script.

Does anyone know where the problem is? I don't know where to look. And I haven't any ideas where the problem is.

Best regards


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2 Replies

Contributor III


we use an imx6 custom device. We use a linux kernel 3.0.35 with patches from freescale bsp 4.1.0. Also we use buildroot 2014.02.

When this happens, the processes for xserver (startx) and matchbox are disapeared. So I think the problem is somewhere there. I also tried tslib 1.0 but it didn't work.

Still I don't know which tslib I use... Buildroot downloads tslib1.1 but in the xorg there are also files for tslib... Very confusing!!!



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Which BSP and device are you using?

Best Regards,


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