Which Processors Are Suitable For Automotive T-Box Design

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Which Processors Are Suitable For Automotive T-Box Design

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Contributor III


We're Gonna Design Telematics Gateway Control Unit / T-Box And Want To Know More About Official Recommendation For Such An Application. We've Asked Our Distributor's FAE And The Suggestion Is Using I.MX6 Series Processor. Unfortunately I.MX6 Family Are Not Intended For The Use Case And Has No One Qualified With ISO26262.

Probably S32 Will Be Better One But To Date Here Are Only 2 Options One For Machine Vision ADAS Another For Radar. QorIQ Family Was Supposed To Design Gateway / Telematics Application But They Are All Not For Automotive Use.

Can Anyone Recommend One From Current Product Line?

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1,581 次查看
Contributor III

Thanks You Guys But What Am I Seeking For Is Suitable Device To Design Telematics Box Which Means LTE Module / Single Chip Modem Will Be In And Requires DDR Memory Support Not Only Ethernet 10/100.

And The Recommended Part Should Be ASIL-B / AEC-Q100 At Least.

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1,581 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Personally I think having a microprocessor with external flash , external DDR and a PMIC is overkill for a telematics application.  This can be done in an ASIL B microcontroller like I mentioned earlier.  The Radar solutions are also microcontrollers.  Right now the only part that meets your requirements is the S32V. look at  FS32V232BMN1VUB

S32V234 Vision and Sensor Fusion Processor Family|NXP 

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1,581 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I apologize for the delay.

We recommend you to use the MPC574xB-C-G. Those MCUs were specially designed for Automotive Gateways.

MPC574xB/C/G|32-bit MCU|Gateway|NXP 

Best Regards,


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1,581 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Agreed.  However there are imx6 that are AECQ-100 qualified that the automotive worlds is using for telematics.  It might be difficult to Achieve ASIL B with IMX but it can be used in a vehicle.  MPC574x will probably be less expensive from a system cost perspective and it is a more traditional automotive gateway part.

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