I'm using an imx8mqevk dev board and I'm booting using the micro SD. I've configured the build to include u-boot-fw-utils in the image as described here:
However, I'm having trouble identifying valid settings for the /etc/fw_env.conf. I've identified that uboot-imx uses the following values in imx8mq_evk.h:
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET (64 * SZ_64K)
#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x1000
#define CONFIG_MMCROOT "/dev/mmcblk1p2" /* USDHC2 */
I assumed that if this were correct, my valid settings should be
# MTD device name Device offset Env. size Flash sector size
/dev/mmcblk1 0x400000 0x1000
or perhaps /dev/mmcblk1p1. However, using either of these options gives me the same result:
Cannot read environment, using default
Cannot read default environment from file
Do you know where I can find a valid fw_env.conf for this board?
Martin Dillon