This DSP User's guide:
refers to the unit_tests in this location:
Unit test location: rootfs: /unit_tests/DSP/naturedsp_test
Where can I find the unit tests? I've tried downloading and extracting the packages in the user guide, but I don't see the unit_tests directory anywhere.
firstly download images to your board, then you can find this when board boot up
I was able to extract the rootfs from the I.MX 8M Plus EVK and I.MX 8QuadMax MEK images, I see /unit_tests/DSP directory however it only contains dsp_rend_test.out and dsp_test.out.
I don't have the actual boards but I am attempting to reuse the test vectors for the MIMRT685 EVK which includes the HIFI4 DSP but is not a linux-based board.
Is the content inside naturedsp_test accessible without having the linux-based boards?
the user guide you refer to is for i.mx processor, if you are interested with IMXRT, pls create a new thread and put it in the i.mxRT community, the IMXRT engineer would check this for you, I'm not sure this package is available for imxRT or not
Although I have the i.mxrt board, I am running HIFI4 DSP examples using simulation.
This question is independent of the specific NXP board, I posted the question in this i.MX forum because the document refers to the DSP unit_test which I don't see present in the downloads mentioned.
I would appreciate it if I get any pointers to locate the unit tests.
refer to the user guide,
"NatureDSP Library package is license restricted on the i.MX platform. License authorization is required from the NXP marketing for the users to access the source code."
this package is under NDA, so pls contact local representative to get further help, we couldn't share any license restricted packages on the public community