What is the purpose of using U708 in the IMX6UL 9x9 Ref design?
I guess the external LDO U701 is also used to power-up the U708 from off mode. So, if we remove the U708 and populate the R758 then is it possible as well to remove the external LDO (U701).
Hello Kaveh,
I understand, please create a CASE, using our web page http://nxp.com/support and click under the Hardware & Software, we can continue the discussion in private using that platform.
Hello Kaveh,
Can you share the schematics that you are mention, NXP only offers the i.MX6UL EVK board. which does not use the 9x9 i.Mx6U device.
Hi James,
I got this file by our local support and not sure that have a right to share it. I can send you in private as you are NXP employee.