The BT.656 mode of IPU problem
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I still having a problem with The BT.656 mode of I.MX6Q's IPU,.We known, BT.656 mode have a timing reference signal consists of a four word sequence(0xff,0x00,0x00,xy). the timeing reference signal is frame start. frame end, line start,line end.But i found that it is only have three states on the 'xy' of the progressive mode according to the IMX6Q reference manual.In the progressive mode, it can only support: start of active line , end of active line and start of blanking line.It can only corresponding to my sensor Line Start signal,Line End signal and Frame Start signal.So where is Frame End signal?
I had study the BT.656 protocol,and the problem has solved. Thank you.
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for bt656, you should refer to the protocol of bt656, which describe very detailed about SAV, EAV.