Panic error

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Panic error

8,281 次查看
Contributor I

Dear all,

I have loaded the SABRE Tablet with IMX r 10.4 android demo images

using MFG tool But, the board is not booting well & some  panic error appearing on serial console.I could not stop the board from autoboot..(is there any UART problem?) .If I Remove the WiFI bt module from board, the board is booting well..but in this case also I could not stop the board from autoboot.    In above case if I insert SD card of 2GB in emmc boot the same serial console output which has produced in first is repeated.   The camera is not working..I attached camera ON serial console.

please find the serial console attachments and suggest me..



                                                          Thank you,




with best regards,


Original Attachment has been moved to: console.tar.gz

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15 回复数

7,474 次查看
Contributor V

Hi, Muthe,

   Is IMX r 10.4 android demo images belonged to our official release version? I have tested our official release on imx53smd, no this issue. About your imx53 smd tablet board, can you attached one picture for it?

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7,473 次查看
Contributor I

Dear Sir,

I am using the SABRE Tablet based on i.MX53,

The images are downloaded from the freescale official website only and

at first time I've loaded and boot the board successfully,but at the

second time I have changed U-boot.bin image which is builded for new

splash screen ,,for that I followed the procedure mentioned in

mx5x_uboot.pdf from freescale website.And I got the u-boot of size

1.1MB,I loaded the image as usually ,using MFG tool.and during load I

got error.and From that moment I could not boot board successfully even

i load the demo images which are freshly downloaded also.

             the Issues are,

1.After removing the WiFi +BT module the board is booting well, but if I

insert the SD card in eMMC booting, the same error which I have got

with WiFi and BT module is repeating.

  2.The Camera module has not functioning properly, I have attached

serial console error info while i am opening or closing the camera.

Please, find the attached serial console files, & Suggest me regarding

above issues,

could you please clarify me whether the problem is due to  hardware or


                  Thanking you for your continuous support,

With best Regards,


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7,472 次查看
Contributor V


     I suggest you to have a try on another new imx53smd board. If still having such issues, it should be related to software.

Or maybe the hardware is corrupted.

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7,472 次查看
Contributor I

Dear Sir,

If that is hardware issue Can you please suggest me how to

fix that.

Is any one got these kind of problem.?



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7,472 次查看
Contributor V

HI, Muthe,

     I didn't met others got this issue. You said you couldn't stop the board from autoboot. Why? Are you sure to using a right bootloader.

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7,473 次查看
Contributor I


   I am sure that U-boot is the demo version only,but I have loading it with MFG tool. Is it cause any problem..? and As UART is not working how can i Load the images with Fast boot

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7,473 次查看
Contributor V


     Maybe you can boot from SD card or NFS boot to have a try. We have instructions on how to boot from sd or NFS in user guide. This can see whether it is caused by MFG tool.

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7,470 次查看
Contributor I

Dear sir,

I am grateful to thank your continues support...

During SD card boot it loading u-boot from SD card

and u-image is I think Defaultly loading from eMMC

and autoboot no change...same kernel panic message appering ....

I have attached the serial console output..Please find it..

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7,470 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Srinivas,

In the serial terminal, pls make sure to set the Flow Control to "None".

The setting for the serial term should be 115200-8-N-1.

With this setting you should be able to stop in uboot (which means UART RX is working).

Also make sure the pins of debug card are not bent or broken.


Nitin Garg

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7,470 次查看
Contributor I

Dear Sir,

        I have checked and sure about no problem in Pins of debug board,and serial terminal settings Ok.

Is there any other method to change the UART which enables at boot time...AS while booting UART1 is working how can I change UART while boot time..

The mini OTG is ok ..I can communicate to the board via ADB.



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The UART is always enabled at boot. There is no modification required in software to enable the UART RX/TX when using standard release binaries. Pls make sure to download the correct u-boot binary. Pls also try using another Host computer or UART cables.

Did you try to boot without the debug card plugged in?

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7,470 次查看
Contributor I

Thank you for your support...

Yes Sir, I have tried those things ....

Sir As I told you by Removing the WiFi +Bt module I could boot the board, But unable to stop auto boot.

In above case I configured the ADB and send the file to /data/local ,,,,And given command to reboot on ADB..It is behaving as this manner...

While I am trying to load the board using MFG tool in serial download mode ....some times the device was also not detected after Hard reset it has detected ...but Now In serial download mode,The device is not detecting even with Hard reset also, .

                            In eMMC boot mode it is not booting even with reset also..

        Please, Let me know what kind of things will cause damage to processor or Hardware.?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

It could be a bad board now, not sure about exact damage as it could be various.

Do you use the power supply which came with iMX53 SMD?

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7,470 次查看
Contributor I

Yes Sir, I am using the power supply ,which has came with iMX53 SMD


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7,470 次查看
Contributor I


The board voltages at PMIC has some problems such as the VLDO8_1V8(voltage across c213) ,It is showing short circuit with 3.3 voltage i.e VLDO3_3V3(voltage across c194).

  Can you Help me regard this Hardware malfunctioning of my board.



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