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I have the same issue as https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors/i-MX8-QuadXPlus-GPIO-configuration/td-p/1404411
Could you provide details why the PCIE_CTRL0_WAKE_B is always high on i.MX8 QuadXPlus MEK, I checked that there is a pull up resistor, can this signal be low?
Could you please also let me know how to enable wakeup on that PCIE pin coming from wifi module? I am using linux-imx-6.1
Best regards,
Mohamed Ali
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Hi @riteshmpatel,
Thank you but in evk it seems that the wifi module doesn't use PCIE_CTRL0_WAKE_B for wakeup? Shall I configure PCIE_CTRL0_WAKE_B from SCFW as wakeup event coming from PCIe wifi module? Where I can find an example code?
Best regards,
Mohamed Ali

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PCIE_CTRL0_WAKE_B as input pin we can't control it.
some details I will check it and reply to you later.

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Do you mean to use the wifi to wake up the Host system?

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Hi @mohamed-ali_fod,
I hope you are doing well.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in response.
PCIE_CTRL0_WAKE_B because it's input Pin. PCIE EP pulls it down.
One can refer to wifi_wake_host in imx8mp-evk.dts
Thanks & Regards,
Ritesh M Patel