Not able to Run the currently flashed program using (gdb) continue or (gdb) mon go command

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Not able to Run the currently flashed program using (gdb) continue or (gdb) mon go command

Contributor I

We've came across with one issue with flashing the built image in the EVK-MIMXRT685 target. To flash the image in the target we are using following steps as mentioned in the section 5.1-Build and Debug Arm Application from the document "Getting Started with Xplorer for EVK-MIMXRT685" which is available into docs folder of SDK EVK-MIMXRT685 v2.11.1.

1. After successful build (build steps not added here from document)
2. Launch the GDB server.
user@linux:/opt/JLink$ ./JLinkGDBServerCLExe -device MIMXRT685S_M33 -if SWD
3. Connect with GDB to the device and load Arm application.
user@jlinux:~/SDK/boards/evkmimxrt685/driver_examples/usart/dma_transfer/armgcc$ arm-none-eabi-gdb debug/usart_dma_transfer.elf

Reading symbols from debug/usart_dma_transfer.elf...
(gdb) target remote localhost:2331

(gdb) mon reset

(gdb) load

After executing the above 3 steps if we used (gdb) continue or (gdb) monitor go command then target is not executing current flashed program it is running previously flashed program. But if we pressed reset button from the board then currently flashed program is running, strange isn't it?

Note: Same is happening with debugging also if we use continue command or mon go command in debugging.

Second observation:

if we execute following commands
1. After successful build (build steps not added here from document)
2. Launch the GDB server.
user@linux:/opt/JLink$ ./JLinkGDBServerCLExe -device MIMXRT685S_M33 -if SWD
3. Connect with GDB to the device and load Arm application.
user@jlinux:~/SDK/boards/evkmimxrt685/driver_examples/usart/dma_transfer/armgcc$ arm-none-eabi-gdb debug/usart_dma_transfer.elf
Reading symbols from debug/usart_dma_transfer.elf...
(gdb) target remote localhost:2331

(gdb) mon reset

(gdb) load

(gdb) mon reset

and then executed (gdb) continue or (gdb) mon go command then currently flashed program is running on the target.

Note: Same is happening with debugging also.

Could you please confirm on the steps which are mentioned in the "Getting Started with Xplorer for EVK-MIMXRT685" document from SDK EVK-MIMXRT685 v2.11.1?

Also correct us if we are doing something wrong.


Thanks and Regards,

Gopichand Sonawane

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