MT53E1G32D2FW-046 WT:B || LPDDR with IMX8M PLUS
02:16 AM
889 次查看
Contributor II
Hi NXP Team,
We are using IMX8M Plus and are planning to use the following LPDDR. Could you please look into this and confirm that the suggested part can be used.
LPDDR : MT53E1G32D2FW-046 WT:B
The Software details are mentioned below, anything need to be taken card from software side when changing the LPDDR from 6GB to 4GB.
Yocto 4.2_mickledore
kernel version 6.1.36
U boot version v2023.04
Please refer to the LPDDR Datasheet below
2 回复数
07:26 AM
369 次查看
Hello JyotiVaishnav,
Did you manage to generate the lpddr4_timing.c file?
We designed a board based also on the imx8mp using the same RAM (MT53E1G32D2FW)
But since we didn't include the OTG circuitry we're unable to run the ddr tool and we're struggling to do the bring-up of the board.
I'd really appreciate if you could share your timing file.