IMX8QM uuu u-boot Failed
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hi sir,
when i use uuu tool in windows to update android 9(which i compiled), there is one error happened at the beginning,log as follow:
>uuu D:\uuu\Windows\uuu-android-mx8qm-mek-emmc.lst
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.2.0-0-g194351b
Success 0 Failure 1
1/ 0 [ ]
1:31 1/ 0 [HID(W):LIBUSB_ERROR_IO ]SDPS:boot -f uuu-u-boot-imx8qm.imx
is there any suggestion?
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As others say, the error happens when using a file that's not valid for the operation. I assume a .lst file is a text file; a list file. That surely is not the right file for uuu input. It consumes binary/image files. I think valid extensions would include .bin, .wic and compressed versions of that like .bin.zst
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I had the same issue, solved depowering all the usb hubs i was connected. This really seems a usb hub stuck condition.
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This error can come up if you are trying to load the wrong file.
In my case, I was trying to load the wrong <bootloader> from my Yocto build. The wrong <bootloader> I tried was u-boot-imx8qxpmek.bin, and the correct <bootloader> was imx-boot-imx8qxpmek-sd.bin.
Double check you are attempting to load the right files as suggested by Lorenzo Giraudi!
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I also encountered this problem, how do you solve it?
1:513 1/ 1 [HID(W):LIBUSB_ERROR_IO ] SDPS: boot -f u-boot.bin
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Check that the file you are trying to load (u-boot.bin) is really the right file for the bootloader.
In my case, I needed imx-boot-imx8qxpmek-sd.bin instead of u-boot.bin!
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Try to use admin mode when running uuu tool. On Windows "Run as adminstrator" when you open the cmd, under Linux try with sudo. Under Linux you have the possibility to define udev rules so you don't need sudo.
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Same result as before:

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I checked the picture you posted, you don't use the correct command, pls unzip the, then put uuu.exe in the same folder, then use the command as below:
uuu.exe, you can find in the unzip folder with other demo images
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I want to use UUU download SPI_FLASH_64MB.bin to Qspi flash.
SPI_FLASH_64MB.bin (include:uboot,nernel,dtb,),,,,
i use SD download SPI_FLASH_64MB.bin to QSPI flash ,system is sucessful startup when set QSPI mode
prove .bin file is ok.

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I don't have imx8qm board, but tested on imx8mq board on ubuntu successfully, do you mind downloading image to imx8mq on ubuntu by uuu tool?
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Hi Joan,
We're using our i.MX8QX(PN:PIMX8QX6AVLFZAB) board designed by our hardware team.
And MfgTool v2.8 works on windows 10, SO our hardware & pin configure works.
But uuu always got HID(W):LIBUSB_ERROR_IO. I also tried 's solution: using ubuntu 18.04, but still got LIBUSB_ERROR_IO even using sudo.
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I recently tried again in linux and get the same error myself. So my suggestion is not so useful.

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I don't know if you use the same command as his, if yes, pls refer to my reply, and use it under WINDOWS, I don't know why you all use the wrong command. pls try again
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Actually I was trying to load the file containing secoFw+SCUFW+uboot. I discovered that I got the error on linux when i was trying to load an invalid file. So LIB_USBERR_IO may be caused by trying to load wrong files.

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I tested imx8x board with uuu on win10 successfully, did you test on nxp board? any successful?
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I meet the same issue on v1.3.93 now. It has take 10 months at least after this thread posted. And there is no meanful response from NXP.
UUU is not ready for production as a replacement of MfgTool now.
But MfgTool development stopped, if not dead.

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what uuu tools version do you download? try to use the latest version
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I have this same problem but I am using the latest version(libuuu_1.2.135-0-gacaf035). Please could you suggest a possible cause?
I am trying to just load the SCU.
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Using Ubuntu 18.04 solved the problem for me. It looks like uuu does not support well Windows. So, if you get "HID(W):LIBUSB_ERROR_IO" try using linux instead.
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i have the problem uuu tools version is 1.2.91;
C:\usr\UUU_1.2.91\android_p9.0.0_2.1.0-auto-ga_image_8qmek> .\uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8qm -e
This script is validated with uuu 1.2.91 version, please align with this version.
dual bootloader is supported
dtbo is supported
dual slot is supported
generate lines to flash partition-table.img to the partition of gpt
generate lines to flash spl-imx8qm.bin to the partition of bootloader0
generate lines to flash bootloader-imx8qm.img to the partition of bootloader_a
generate lines to flash dtbo-imx8qm.img to the partition of dtbo_a
generate lines to flash boot.img to the partition of boot_a
generate lines to flash system.img to the partition of system_a
generate lines to flash vendor.img to the partition of vendor_a
generate lines to flash vbmeta-imx8qm.img to the partition of vbmeta_a
generate lines to flash bootloader-imx8qm.img to the partition of bootloader_b
generate lines to flash dtbo-imx8qm.img to the partition of dtbo_b
generate lines to flash boot.img to the partition of boot_b
generate lines to flash system.img to the partition of system_b
generate lines to flash vendor.img to the partition of vendor_b
generate lines to flash vbmeta-imx8qm.img to the partition of vbmeta_b
uuu script generated, start to invoke uuu with the generated uuu script
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.2.91-0-g3799f4d
Success 0 Failure 1
1:3 1/ 1 [HID(R):LIBUSB_ERROR_IO ] SDPS: boot -f