version : imx-android-11.0.0_2.0.0
platform : IMX8MP
I followed the "android-11.0.0_2.0.0 — 22 April 2021 User's Guide" to build image, but the log show a error.
ERROR: fopen imx-android-11.0.0_2.0.0/android_build/vendor/nxp-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware/build/imx8mp/release: No such file or directory
ld.lld: error: cannot open @sound/soc/codecs/snd-soc-bt-sco.o.in: No such file or directory
ld.lld: error: cannot open @drivers/clk/imx/mxc-clk.o.in: No such file or directory
ld.lld: error: cannot open @drivers/clk/imx/mxc-clk.o.in: No such file or directory
Please tell me how to solve the problem ?
Thank you.
Best Wishes
Have you run this command : source ~/imx-android-11.0.0_2.0.0/imx_android_setup.sh
Yes, I have run the command.
When I try to change the git tag "android-11.0.0_2.0.0" to "android-11.0.0_1.2.0", the error don't occur.
Could I use the git tag "android-11.0.0_1.2.0" to build the android-11.0.0_2.0.0 image?
It is better to download the source package for Android 11.0.0_1.2.0. This version is for i.MX8MP.
Hi Jimmychan,
Because the android-11.0.0_2.0.0 release note say upgraded the kernel from v5.4.47 to v5.10.9, I would like to use the new Linux kernel version.
Could other methods to debug the issue?
I tried to build the android-11.0.0_2.0.0. I don't have any error.
Please try to clean up your host and then build it again.
I tried to build the android-11.0.0_1.2.1 and don't have any error.
But the android-11.0.0_2.0.0 remains to build error.
What package does NXP recommend version on i.mx8mp ?
It is up to customer which version they want to use. Maybe you try to upgrade the version of the compiler on your host.
I used the gcc-arm-10.2-2020.11-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu compiler to build imx-android-11.0.0_2.0.0, but it build error again.
I try to lunch evk_8mm-userdebug and it get the same error.
Below is my step:
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$ export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
$ source imx-android-11.0.0_2.0.0/imx_android_setup.sh
$ export MY_ANDROID=`pwd`
$export AARCH64_GCC_CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-arm-10.2-2020.11-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu//bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-
$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/envsetup.sh
$ lunch evk_8mp-userdebug
$ ./imx-make.sh -j4 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt
Below is the error log:
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/imx8mp-android-11.0.0_2.0.0/android_build/vendor/nxp-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware'
Makefile:1276: warning: overriding commands for target `/home/user/imx8mp-android-11.0.0_2.0.0/android_build/vendor/nxp-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware/build/imx8mm/release'
Makefile:525: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/user/imx8mp-android-11.0.0_2.0.0/android_build/vendor/nxp-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware/build/imx8mm/release'
ERROR: fopen /home/user/imx8mp-android-11.0.0_2.0.0/android_build/vendor/nxp-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware/build/imx8mm/release: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [/home/user/imx8mp-android-11.0.0_2.0.0/android_build/vendor/nxp-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware/build/imx8mm/release] Error 1
make: *** [/home/user/imx8mp-android-11.0.0_2.0.0/android_build/out/target/product/evk_8mm/u-boot.imx] Error 1
I build the imx-android-11.0.0_1.2.1, but it dose not have any error.
So I think that it is not the compiler version problem.
Could other method solve the problem ?