Hi! I have a IM8 QuadMax MEK cpu board and the original sd card with programmed linux had lost. So I bought a new sd card and hope to run linux on this board. I followed the instruction in getting stared carefully and it still not work when I used the uuu to burn the bsp. Meanwhile, I check the /dev, I saw four ttyusb devices in my linux host and cannot access by the putty. Hope someone could help me!!! Thx a million.
The command line:
jerry@Ubuntu-jerry:~/Downloads/iMX.8$ ls
LF_v6.1.36-2.1.0_images_IMX8QMMEK.zip uuu
jerry@Ubuntu-jerry:~/Downloads/iMX.8$ sudo ./uuu LF_v6.1.36-2.1.0_images_IMX8QMMEK.zip
[sudo] password for jerry:
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.5.21-0-g1f42172
Wait for Known USB Device Appear...
Error: fail open file: >LF_v6.1.36-2.1.0_images_IMX8QMMEK.zip/uuu.auto
NOTE: I already install the right uuu and libusb and I physically connect the board to the linux host correct.(J18 uart and J17 typec).
Hi @Jerry137207
Please check if there is a script file named as uuu.auto-imx8qmmek inside LF_v6.1.36-2.1.0_images_IMX8QMMEK.zip or uuu.auto.
Try sudo ./uuu LF_v6.1.36-2.1.0_images_IMX8QMMEK.zip/uuu.auto-imx8qmmek if it is the first one.
Best regards