Hey YuriMuhin_ng
Yuri Muhin wrote:
The CACHE for the CM4 is not functioning on the rev 1.0 silicon.
Also, please refer to RTOS sources how to work with LMEM.
Was this fixed for rev >= 1.2 ?
Thanks in advance
yes, the CM7 cache is working.
From the team:
The cache is working in later revisions. Also, there are no CM4 cache specific issues in the errata.
Some issues that are on the community that are related to the CM4 cache:
Unable to use breakpoints on iMX7D when firmware placed in OCRAM... , but this one has a workaround.
Re: i.MX7D: atomic compare and swap instructions don't work with cache , but this issue is not be treated
as a silicon bug and the document https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340245
describes how to work around it.
Have a great day,
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The document Arm Cortex-M4™ Exclusive Access Support for i.MX Processors doesn't seem to exist or is inaccessible. Could you fix the link?