This thread is I post before : https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors/how-to-get-csi-embeded-data-on-iMX6Q/td-p/1262685
I check our camera datasheet:
width = 1104
height = 1312
fps = 75
Ouput MIPI RAW10 data
Supports 2 lanes (up to 0.8 or 1 Gbps per lane) MIPI
MIPI Alliance Standard for Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2) v1.1
MIPI Alliance Specification for D-PHY v1.1
According to AN5305,
Pixel clock = 1104* 1312* 75 fps * 1 cycle/pixel * 1.35 blank interval = 146.66 MHz
Total MIPI data rate is 146.66 M * 16 bits = 2346.56 Mb/s.
MIPI clock = 2346.56/ 2 / 2 = 586.64 MHz
MIPI_CSI2_PHY_TST_CTRL1 setting = 586.64 MHz * 2 (DDR mode) = 1173.28MHz
1173.28 MHz seems over thr range of i.MX6Q
I set it 0x74(950-1000MHz), and I get ERROR: v4l2 capture: mxc_v4l_dqueue timeout enc_counter 0
Do you have any suggestions?
for mipi raw data capture pls refer to the document as below, it's very useful for you
Hi Joanxie,
I can get ov5640 raw 10 data,
but I can't get custom carame raw 10 data.
MIPI_CSI_ERR1 = 0x100,
MIPI_CSI_ERR2 = 0x0.
What should I do next?
if you use customized camera, pls refer to the debug document as below:
Hi joanxie,
Thanks for your reply.
I found MIPI_PHY_STATE = 0x300, the correct state is 0x330 in Debug steps for customer MIPI sensor.
What should I check?