IBIS Model IMX6 Series

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IBIS Model IMX6 Series

Contributor II

Hi everyone,

We are using MCIMX6Q6AVT10AC processor in one of our project. The layout has been done and we want to do the SIgnal integrity analysis for high speed signal but the IBIS model for this series does not support PCIe, HDMI and SATA . How can i do that i have written to technical support but they have not replied any satisfactory answer. Kindly help me , if any one is having the Modelled IBIS file kindly provide me .



1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi sundeep, currently thete models are not available.

You can use guidelines given in Hardware Development Guide.

Usually signal problems with these interfaces are related

more directly to the dielectric being used, which may be good but

not a high frequency dielectric. That could explain the signal

degradation one is experiencing as dielectrics such as FR4 might

not suffice when handling SATA or PCIe. The characteristic impedance can

be way off at the high frequency if the material is not rated to

go that fast.

A higher grade of board dielectric material typically needs to be specified

in order to guarantee that the characteristic impedance of the high speed

lines is what it should be at the operational frequency and edge rates

of the fastest signals on the board.

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