Dear all,
We use i.MX7Solo and PF3000 on our original board.
PMIC_STBY_REQ signal of i.MX7 is connected to STANDBY signal of PMIC.
We want to enter PMIC in Standby mode.
We want to know the method to drive PMIC_STBY_REQ signal, to enter PMIC in STANDBY mode.
Would you tell me the procedure and the register whom we should set?
Best Regards,
Hi Yuuki
this is special signal which can be set when procesor enters low power mode, please check GPC_SLPCR, bit VSTBY
described in sect. System low power control register (GPC_SLPCR) i.MX7S Reference Manual
examples can be found in function imx_gpcv2_set_lpm_mode() cpuidle-imx7d.c, gpcv2.c
Best regards
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Dear Igor-san
Thank you for your support.
We set VSTBY bit of the GPC_SLPCR register.
However, PMIC_STBY_REQ signal is not changed.
We do not understand the reason why PMIC_STBY_REQ signal does not change.
In addition, is there the setting necessary?
May I have advice?
Best Regards,
Dear Igor-san,
We referred to a code of Linux.
In addition, I referred to Example Code 2 of the reference manual.
However, we cannot assert the PMIC_STBY_REQ signal.
We do not know what is a factor.
Could you teach the conceivable causes?
Best Regards,
Hi Yuuki
could you check on i.MX7D Sabre SD reference board
using sect.6.1. Deep-Sleep mode AN5383 i.MX 7DS Power Consumption Measurement
Best regards