I want to connect the imx6 to a lvds panel .The lcd need the 28MHZ pixclock.
But no matter what how I set the static struct fb_videomode ldb_modedb[] table .
the ldb_di0_clk always is 38MHZ.
I find the reason:
The ldb_di0_clk romaps is
pll2_528_bus_main_clk -> pll2_pfd_352M -> ldb_di0_clk
The range of divisor form pll2_528_bus_main_clk to pll2_pfd_352M is 12-35.
Refer to the IMX6DQRM.pdf CCM_ANALOG_PFD_528n
29–24 PFD3_FRAC This field controls the fractional divide value. The resulting frequency shall be 528*18/PFD3_FRAC where
PFD3_FRAC is in the range 12-35.
528M *18 /35 = 271M
The range of divisor form pll2_pfd_352M to ldb_di0_clk is only 3.5 or 7.
Refer to the IMX6DQRM.pdf CCM_CSCMR2
ldb_di0_ipu_div Control for divider of ldb clock for IPU di0 0 divide by 3.5 1 divide by 7(default)
271M /7 =38M
So if i want to generate the 28M clk,
Can i change the ldb_dio_clk romap?
How to do it?
Let me delve into this. I will see what I can do.
Best Regards,