We will boot the imx8mplus board using SD Card.
From SD Card bootloader, we need to load uboot, dtb, kernel and rootfs to RAM using tftp and then write it to the eMMC.
We were successful in loading kernel and dtb. Commands used are:
tftp 0x40400000 Image
tftp 0x43000000 imx8mp-evk-revb4.dtb
fatwrite mmc 2:1 0x40400000 Image 1e82a00
fatwrite mmc 2:1 0x43000000 imx8mp-evk-revb4.dtb 15d94
But stuck with uboot and rootfs. Can you please share the steps to achieve this?
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firstly you can use dd command to download the images to the sd card(you can find the detailed command from user guide I sent to you before), then refer to the link as below, which tell you how to flash the images from sd card to emmc
Referred the doc but could'nt see the steps to flash uboot and rootfs to emmc from uboot prompt.
From the docs, it says the uboot image is u-boot.imx, but cant find such an image after the compilation of sdk.
Also, can you please give us some more clarity on the blk and cnt parameter calculation? mmc write command is not working properly and leading to crash.
what's your detailed demands? do you need download images to your board via network? do you need download to SD card or emmc? why do you need download images via network? just for easy to download or your board couldn't support uuu tools?
Hi NXP Team,
Our end product cannot be flashed via USB using uuu tool. Thus to support future firmware upgrades, our only option is to boot the device from SD Card, from SD card bootloader, download the new firmware (uboot, kernel, dtb and rootfs) to eMMC and put the device back to eMMC boot mode (default boot mode is via eMMC)
Hope this clarifies the queries
firstly you can use dd command to download the images to the sd card(you can find the detailed command from user guide I sent to you before), then refer to the link as below, which tell you how to flash the images from sd card to emmc