Detailed Signal Descriptions for IPU / CSI
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I intend connecting a camera (parallel interface) to IPUs CSI at iMX53. At almost all chapters in the reference manual there is a chapter "Detailed Signal Descriptions" according to the described peripheral. But not so at the IPU. Where can I find a list of the external signals related to the IPU/CSI and where is the detailed description of this signals?
Thanks in advance, Klaus
PS. Sorry to the group members they received this as a message. Initially I want to start a discussion and pressed the wrong button.
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Hi Nitin, thanks for the hint. I concentrated on the reference manual and did not looked so deep into the data sheet.
I think this will help.
Best Regards
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Hi Klaus,
You can refer to
"Table 57. Camera Input Signal Cross Reference, Format and Bits per Cycle"
of IMX53AEC: Datasheet document. The datasheet tells more about hardware and pin assignment details than RM.
Best Regards
Nitin Sonar

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Klaus, you do not need this signal for BT or gated mode. I am not sure in which other modes this signal is needed, I hope Freescale can answer this here?
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Thanks for the reply Leon. I'm a bit familiar with interfacing CMOS image sensors, but there is one signal which is unknown for me: CSI_DATA_EN. In general data from sensor is latched with the rising or falling edge of CSI_PIXCLK. What is the purpose of CSI_DATA_EN? In the data sheet there is nothing to found for this signal.

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Klaus, have you looked at the Datasheet? There are timing diagrams and electrical specs for the signals/pins.
If you have, let us know what info you are missing.