Hi everyone,
My name is Toan. I'm using iMX6UL-EVK. And I'm trying to install OpenCV C++ on my iMX6UL-EVK. I tried install with source code but It takes about 3 days. It's really a long time. Now I found and tried some solution with cross-compile but not working. I tried with "sshfs" and "cmake-gui".
What should I do now ? Or how to cross-compile <OpenCV C++ program>.cpp to executable file for iMX6UL ?
Thank you very much,
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
I see, I don't work on this but maybe you can refer to the link as below, hope helpful for you
Hi joanxie,
Nice to meet you. That OpenCV was bound with Python not C++. I checked it.
Some resources said that performance of OpenCV-C++ is greater than OpenCV-Python.
The write video command in OpenCV-Python on my iMX6ULEVK take 0.1 second to finish, it's so long. And I trying to optimize my program.
Best regards,
I see, I don't work on this but maybe you can refer to the link as below, hope helpful for you
Thank you joanxie,
It's working !
it's great!!
Thank you so much for your useful reply !
as I known, the latest bsp version includes opcv already, you don't need to build it by yourself
Yes... but there are no header files even though all the .so files are present in /usr/lib...
So how to include opencv2/opencv.hpp in a c++ program ?