Config Tools for i.MX 12.1: Ubuntu cannot locat python
I am using config tools for i.MX ubuntu version 12.1 to calculate RAM timings. I figured out that after creating a new project code preview does not work because python couldn't be found. swtool.log shows that one of following errors "Python path does not exist: /opt/nxp/i.MX_CFG_v12.1/bin/python39" because after installation only "/opt/nxp/i.MX_CFG_v12.1/bin/python38" is available and python version is 3.10.0a2+.
Would you please correct this. Thank you.
Whish you Merry Christmas.
you can set your own path in the tool.ini to -Dpython.dir=python39 (/opt/nxp/i.MX_CFG_v12.1/bin) and it should work too. But the failure (maybe copy paste) is available from my understanding.
Happy new year.
Thank you, I was able to fix the tools.ini file.
The folder that comes with the install package is called python38 but the ini file is set to python39.
That cleared the python error but then I get another error:
"Error DDRC Failed to generate code due to erroneous values used to configure DDR!"
I have all of the values set to the defaults for the MX8M Mini evk and I still get this error. Every time a try to adjust a value I get a message saying "the specified value is not supported".
The same values work properly when I use the Windows based tool.
"Error DDRC Failed to generate code due to erroneous values used to configure DDR!"
message goes away but when I try to run the tests on my board I get the message about missing memtool.
/opt/nxp/i.MX_CFG_v12.1/bin/python38/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for 'memtool.s' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'memtool')