Compiling vlc for i.MX6 solo

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Compiling vlc for i.MX6 solo

Contributor I

Hi everyone.

I've been trying to add the vlc from the meta-multimedia layer and I've found a couple of interesting things.

First of all, it started to complain about the libqt4 plugin:

arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-libtool: error: cannot find the library '' or unhandled argument '-DLINUX=1'

I found a couple of defines inside the dependencies in the file tmp/sysroots/nitrogen6x/usr/lib/

dependency_libs=' -lEGL -lGAL -DLINUX=1 -DEGL_API_FB=1 -lQtCore -lpthread '

I could compile vlc it after deleting those two defines

After some googling, it seems that other people have the same problem, whereas it compiles perfectly for other platforms.

The first question is why? what's special in the i.MX6 that makes that recipe unusable?

The second question is what's the proper way to do that fix, how I can patch the recipe as I am quite new to vlc as well as yocto.

Thanks in advance.

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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Juan A Quintero,

This is a common issue as other users have built vlc for other targets and yet they cannot build for the i.MX6.  Apparently the problem is in the creation of libQtGui and the GPU support that may be causing the crash.

Unfortunately there is not a patch available for the vlc recipe on the i.MX6.

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Contributor I

Thanks for your answer gusarambula.

I am as new to yocto as graphics and video, so maybe I'm doing things wrong, but here is what I could investigate:

Apparently those flags come from the qt4 recipes:


There are -Ds inside some variables that referes to lib dependencies, which it's quite weird in my opinion. 


You need to get rid of them and it will compile.

A different thing is what is vlc available to do with the vivante gpu. The default compilation is quite useless (no libav, no glx support) so you have to do some tuning. Anyway, it crash whith ouputs differents than X11 (no xvideo, no opengl)

YUV SDL apparently is working fine... but I dind't got to much help from the vlc developers sadly.

As there's no libva anywhere I suspect there is no access to the gpu and all the rendering and decoding has to be done by software, am I correct?

Anyway, I hope this help to anyone suffering the same troubles with vlc.

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