Boundary Scan bidirectional pins imx6 MCIMX6U5DVM10AB
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I can't check the inputs with boundary scan . I 'm able to set output pins and Z state but It's imposible for me to check the input. For example, in I2C I manage to make all the trace but I'm not able to check the respond ACK . Even though, I know the respond It's OK because I'm using an oscyloscope to check it. I don't know how I have to set the bsr register to check the input, I paste piece of my svf script( In the first row the 8 it's the z state to allow the I2C slave respond but I don't know how to check them. Can I have some help, please?
SDR 648 TDI (000000000000000000100800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000144)
TDO (000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
MASK (000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000);
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Hi Yuri, I have those configuration but the input still doesn't work. For example, If I try to check the i2c ACK I can't figured out If it is an ACK or a NACK becuse the input appears not to work. I setup the control pin to 1 and the output pin to 0 but It only makes a Z state but I'm not able to check the input. Do you have any idea about this problem?
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please provide detailed description (log) of all activities, used to detect the I2C ACK,
starting from JTAG reset.
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Thanks for the support, finally I managed to run it. I had weak soldering in the soc pins.
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Generally SAMPLE/PRELOAD Instruction is used "to obtain a snapshot of
system data and control signals". Please look at Chapter 56 [System JTAG
Controller (SJC)] of i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite Reference Manual,Rev. 2, 04/2015.
Have a great day,
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Hi Yuri, I made the things that you have told me.
dr instruction to get the tdo values and it's value 0x00000...
So I think something is wrong with the input maybe the bsdl or something else
Thanks for the help
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please check SATA and PCIe power supply pins, which are needed to be powered before boundary scan mode. Please look at Table 2-21 (Recommended connections for unused analog interfaces) of the Hardware Development
For Boundary Scan JTAG_MOD should be high.
Please look at Table 2-5 (JTAG recommendations) of the Hardware Development Guide.
Also, please pay attention on COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of the BSDL file.
attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of MX6Q: entity is
Check if :