Hi imx53 experts,
I am pleased with the pre-loaded Ubuntu running on my QuickStart board. However, I would like to start with a minimal Ubuntu system and add only the necessary software components myself to reduce bloat. May I know if such a minimal Ubuntu system is available for download? Or can I build it myself from source code?
Thank you.
The out-of-the-box configuration of the LTIB tool in the Ubuntu-based development VM (IMX_QSB_UBUNTU_VM) will generate a minimal Linux installation for the QSB. The resulting installation won't have a window manager so you'll be interacting with it through the debug serial port at first.
Follow the directions in my post that follows yours: "User experience with 1109 binaries ....."
It's a pretty minimal ubuntu installation, using the matchbox window manager instead of gnome. You can start there, and then add files from the full release to get something to your liking.