We are going to debug the driver with windbg through serial port
Target OS: WIN10 IOT CORE 1809
WinDbg -> Kernel Debuging:
COM6(Host serial port) Baud Rate: 115200
Target: (RSB-4411)
Go into admin mode cmd with putty on RSB-4411:
bcdedit /dbgsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200
bcdedit -debug on
shutdown /f /r /t 0 (The device cannot reboot, we need to reboot with hardware).
However, the host and the target are not connected.
Any suggestions we can do? We also attach the message we get from the debug port.
Thank you!!
Debug port log seems ok, there are some errors messages, but they are just informative (no display connected to HDMI, etc.).
Setup of WinDbg seems also correct, only thing that is our of ordinary is that device will not restart with shutdown command (but this could be unrelated issue, restart of device can be done manualy, maybe error message why it cannot restart could be helpful)
But debug port should be enabled in default with baudrate 921600, and WinDbg should be able to connect to it right from the beggining. its good pracice to use newer version WinDbg Preview which allows to put Initial break when making the connection, otherwise you have to press Break button (Ctrl+Del) when WinDbg is saying "Waiting to reconnect...".
If you could provide more information on how to replicate the issue that would be great.