There is GPU SDK for i.MX6D/Q/DL/S: IMX_GPU_SDK. This is to share the experience when compiling the example code from the SDK with Linux BSP release: L3.0.35_1.1.0_121218 and L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424 .
Minimal profile is using and have been verified on both i.MX6Q SDP and i.MX6DL SDP.
To start:
vmuser@ubuntu:~/ltib_src/ltib/rootfs/usr/lib$ ls -al libOpen*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 115999 2013-06-06 18:31
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 515174 2013-06-06 18:31
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 272156 2013-06-06 18:31
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 272156 2013-06-06 18:31
So, in this way, i.MX6D/Q will no use in the build.
For example, run on i.MX6Q SDP, it will link to /usr/lib/
For example, run on i.MX6DL SDP, it will link to /usr/lib/
For i.MX6D/Q, please do this:
$ sudo /bin/rm
$ sudo cp
For i.MX6S/DL, please do this:
$ sudo /bin/rm
$ sudo cp
$ export ROOTFS=/home/vmuser/ltib_src/ltib/rootfs
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.13-linaro-multilib-2011.12/fsl-linaro-toolchain/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
For OpenVG:
$ cd ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/OpenVG
$ make -f Makefile.fbdev clean
$ make -f Makefile.fbdev
$ make -f Makefile.fbdev install
The executable will then be copied to this directory: ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/OpenVG/bin/OpenVG_fbdev
For GLES2.0
$ cd ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES2.0
$ make -f Makefile.fbdev clean
$ make -f Makefile.fbdev
$ make -f Makefile.fbdev install
The executable will then be copied to this directory: ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES2.0/bin/GLES20_fbdev
For GLES1.1, please modify the Makefile.fbdev to remove the compilation of example codes "18_VertexBufferObjects" and "19_Beizer" that are not exist. Then,
$ cd ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES1.1
$ make -f Makefile.fbdev clean
$ make -f Makefile.fbdev
$ make -f Makefile.fbdev install
The executable will then be copied to this directory: ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES1.1/bin/GLES11_fbdev
NOTE: the newly added makefiles.tgz contains Makefile.x11 hacked from GLES2.0 example code to make OpenVG to compile and run on Ubuntu 11.10 rootfs.
I am able to compile the Samples using this sequence but when i am executing the Binaries then following error is coming:-
./bin/OpenVG_fbdev/CoverFlow: symbol lookup error: ./bin/OpenVG_fbdev/CoverFlow: undefined symbol: fbGetDisplayByIndex
Can you please help?
Are your using min-profile to build the rootfs?
Got L3.0.35_4.1.0 LTIB env on hand and compiled the GPU_SDK accordingly. The CoverFlow is running well.
SW: L3.0.35_4.1.0 compiled to run on i.MX6Q SDB board and using minimal profile. "gpu-viv-bin-mx6q" has been selected and installed to the rootfs.
HW: i.MX6Q SDB + LVDS display.
The console print out:
root@freescale ~/OpenVG_fbdev$ ls
CoverFlow Example1 Example2 Example3
root@freescale ~/OpenVG_fbdev$ ./CoverFlow
EGL Display properly Got
Choose configs OK
NUM Configs OK
init:use config 0x331a36d4
id=14, a,b,g,r=8,8,8,8, d,s=16,0, AA=0,openvgbit=23, surfacebit=1511
Created Window OK
Created Surface OK
Created Context OK
Made current Context OK
Caught signal 2, setting flaq to quit.
Cleaning up...
root@freescale ~/OpenVG_fbdev$
Thanks for your Reply.I am using the same board which you've shown above.
Actually I am using pre-built Linux Images available from Freescale's SABRE-SD Page.I am using the following Tools and Packages:-
1, L3.0.35_4.1.0_130816_images_MX6 for all pre-built images like u-boot,Linux kernel etc.
2, Mfgtools-Rel-4.1.0_130816_MX6Q_UPDATER for burning the Image to SABRE-SD board.
3, Acc. to the Re: Running EGL demos on Freescale's 12_09_01_oneiric release I have installed the following GPU and kernel Package:-
4, oneiric.tgz rootfs
I am using the HDMI port for display then using HDMI-DVI connector to display it on a DVI compatible monitor.
Can you check whether there is some issue with these pre-built images?
You need to compile OpenVG to run on X11 backend. However, there is no Makefile.x11 included in the SDK for OpenVG. Please refer the attached makefiles hacked from GLES2.0 directory (makefiles.tgz).
Also, If you are using the uboot and kernel from L3.0.35_4.1.0_130816_images_MX6, then please do use the Ubuntu rootfs named: L3035_410_ubuntu_rfs_oneiric.tgz and which should have gcc and needed header files installed and does not need to do any modification.
So, untar the makefile.tgz inside OpenCV directory and your will get the additional Makefile.x11 and also inside CoverFlow etc
linaro@linaro-ubuntu-desktop:~/gpu_sdk_v100/Samples/OpenVG$ make -f Makefile.x11 clean
linaro@linaro-ubuntu-desktop:~/gpu_sdk_v100/Samples/OpenVG$ make -f Makefile.x11
linaro@linaro-ubuntu-desktop:~/gpu_sdk_v100/Samples/OpenVG$ make -f Makefile.x11 install
The binaries could be found in OpenVG/bin/OpenVG_x11
Here is what it look like when running CoverFlow:
Hi Puneet,
This error may be because you are trying to run the binaries from the serial terminal appearing on your host PC. Try connecting a keyboard to the target board and from the terminal appearing on HDMI Display panel, try to run the binary.
Hope it helps,
Thanks Sudlin but now i am using LVDS display and everything is working fine.
After making the changes you suggested I am able to run all the Samples related to Graphic libraries.
Just one more query that do we some have samples available for OpenCL library.
If you have those please send them to me.It would of great help.
Thanks ,
Puneet Pal Singh
Hi Isaac Ng
Now I compiled the OpenVG Sample code :Example3.c
but it display error: the screen flash quickly, when I deleted the eglSwapBuffers(egldisplay, eglsurface); only use the OvgApp_Draw() in main function. it can also display the same thing(I mean it also flash).
I use the /opt/imx-gpu-sdk/OpenVG/Example3/Example3_FB, it can display correctly.
what's wrong?
now I use the