# | Name | Description |
1 | i.MX Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP Documentation | |
2 | i.MX Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 proprietary surce code for i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6DualPlus, i.MX 6Dual, i.MX 6DualLite, i.MX 6Solo i.MX 6Sololite, i.MX6SX and i.MX7D | |
3 | Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE for Automotive Infotainment based on i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, and i.MX 6DualLite | |
4 | Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE Platform and SABRE Board based on i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad and i.MX 6DualLite. | |
5 | Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - i.MX 6Sololite evaluation kit. | |
6 | Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE Board based on i.MX 6SoloX | |
7 | Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE for Automotive infotainment based on i.MX 6SoloX | |
8 | Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE Board based on i.MX 7Dual | |
9 | AAC Plus Codec for O8.0.0_1.0.0 | |
10 | Manufacturing Toolkit and VivanteVTK for O8.0.0_1.0.0 |
Compared to the N7.1.2_2.0.0 release, this release has the following major changes:
For features please consult the release notes.
For known issues and more details please consult the Release Notes.
i git the source code base on the source ~/imx-o8.0.0_1.0.0_ga/imx_android_setup.sh , but it use the googlesouce.com. it had the error: fatal:uable to access "https://android.googlesource/com/platform/external/bart/": Failed to connet to android.googlesource.com port 443:Connection timed out.
I am in China ,so Can you reply a way that use the mirrors.tuna.tsinghua .edu.cn
为什么使用WIN10系统打开mfg tool烧写工具,在imx6q板子进入下载模式的时候,会有上图的提示。但是如果使用WIN7系统,则不会出现这个错误。之前android7.1.2的mfgtool烧写工具也出现这种情况。我使用的板子没有问题,android4.4.2\android5.1.1\anroid6.0.1\android7.1.1这几个系统在win10下烧写也是没有问题的。。
you can use below features of git utility:
git config --global url.https://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn.insteadOf https://android.googlesource.com
this will be replace url in git fetch request.
wilson chen 你好,i.mx6 的 android8.0的系统搭建,你搞定了吗?我这边在搭建环境是也遇到了相同的问题,如下:
fatal: unable to access 'https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/neven/': Failed to connect to android.googlesource.com port 443: Connection refused
fatal: unable to access 'https://android.googlesource.com/platform/pdk/': Failed to connect to android.googlesource.com port 443: Connection refused
fatal: unable to access 'https://android.googlesource.com/platform/developers/demos/': Failed to connect to android.googlesource.com port 443: Connection refused
I have same issue.
zarelaky 也给了个墙内方法.你可以参照他去做.
我repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest -b imx-android-pie -m imx-p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga.xml后显示repo has been initialized in /home/sz/android_build
开始repo sync 显示fatal: unable to access 'https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/': Failed to connect to localhost port 50321: Connection refused
fatal: unable to access 'https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libcxx/': Failed to connect to android.googlesource.com port 443: Connection refused
fatal: unable to access 'https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/kernel-headers/': Failed to connect to android.googlesource.com port 443: Connection refused
运行repo sync后完整输出信息是这样的:fatal: unable to access 'https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/aosp/platform/packages/apps/SoundRecorder/': GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.
error: Cannot fetch platform/packages/apps/SoundRecorder from https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/aosp/platform/packages/apps/SoundRecorder
Fetching project platform/external/junit-params
fatal: unable to access 'https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/sonivox/': Failed to connect to android.googlesource.com port 443: Connection refused
请问如何解决,我已经使用Aosp | 镜像站使用帮助 | 清华大学开源软件镜像站 | Tsinghua Open Source Mirror 替代了repo里的glooel
codeaurora use mirrors below:
git --config --global url." <mirror>".insteadOf "https://source.codeaurora.org"
<mirror> can be any one of below:
if manifest.xml use "git://source.codeaurora.org" you must be edit
add line below:
[url "https://beijing.source.codeaurora.org"]
insteadOf = git://codeaurora.org
你好,我执行Android_User's_Guide文件里的 make 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt 命令后显示:
device/fsl/imx8m/evk_8mm/AndroidBoard.mk:10: error: vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/media-profile/media-profile.mk: No such file or directory