10:26 AM
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I want to convert the .h5 file to .tflite on eIQ model tool 2.7.5 inside eIQ portal(v2.7.12). I got this error:
Conversion Failed
(2, 'No such file or directory')
Source: C:\Users\eminm\Desktop\MT_Software_Setups\deep_spectrum.h5
Destination: C:\Users\eminm\Downloads\deep.tflite
I tried to convert to .rtm and tensorflow lite vela in order to check if I am going to get the same error. Eventually, the tool was able to convert to both successfully. Thus, this error is present when I convert from .h5 to .tflite. I installed this toolkit:eIQ_Toolkit_v1.6.9.310_b230201
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