I'm using the JN-SW-4170 SDK to run a controller under a JN5168 chip.
In the JN-UG-3101 documentation , this is documented as
"No free entries in the extended address table (resource error) - this table is configured in the ZPS Configuration Editor".
Could you kindly clarify which parameter control that Extended Addr, as I don't find any match for it in ZPS Configuration
Just to add, the aim is to create a Zigbee controler capable of managing 70 devices ( ZR and ZED) with a max of 40 Childs
Attached is the ZPS Config used.
Thanks in advance
Hi @zigbee1,
The default size of the Routing table is 70, which should be sufficient for most applications.
The table size should be increased if routing bottlenecks are observed. The Coordinator needs to store routes to all the nodes in the network if it is required to communicate with every node - in this case, the Routing table size should be increased to the size of the network.
The Routing table is not persisted and any increase will therefore only affect RAM usage.
Hi @zigbee1,
These recommendations are to be aware of the memory of the JN516X, you have 512 kB Flash 32 kB RAM, and 4 kB EEPROM. So, the coordinator has an address map table is to communicate directly, and the MAC address table is to store the address-pairs of other networks
nodes, in other words, the coordinator could not keep all the IEEE address of the network, this is to avoid high memory usage.
The routing table is the one that you have to increase if it is required to communicate with every node.
Thanks, starting to understand.
One more question if I can. How to size correctly the Routing Table Size ?
If I target 70 devices with 40 connected directly to the contrôler, what should the Routing Table Size ?
Should I size it to the expected number of routers I expect as max ?
Hi @zigbee1,
As we recommend in our document.
The MAC Address table on a node is used to store IEEE/MAC address and the network address of each of these nodes.
The entries in the MAC Address table are referenced from entries of both the Neighbour table and Address Map table.
The MAC Address table is fully persisted in EEPROM. Therefore, increasing the size of this table will impact both RAM and EEPROM usage.
You could increase the table, but the size is the minimum that the stack requires, but you must be aware of the memory that you have.
I n such could you kindly provide a coherent example.
As the example you took for 100 devices, can you then explain what would be the end result. As I don't understand yourresponse to my question which was
"You stated it is for a 100 Nodes example. However I see the MAC Address Table = Neighbour Table + Address Map = 62 . Shouldn't be equal to 100 ?"
Indeed if you want to manage 100 nodes, shouldn't you have the MAC Address Table equal to 100 ? in your example you put 62. If that is valid, what does that mean for the missing 38 nodes. Will they still be able to reach the network , if so where the IEEE/Nwk Address will be store ?
Hello Mario and thanks for the detailed information. Something I don't understanding in your exemple
You stated it is for a 100 Nodes example. However I see the MAC Address Table = Neighbour Table + Address Map = 62 . Shouldn't be equal to 100 ?
The error could be for different tables that you set in the .zpscfg file. However, Please look at the recomendations that we provide to set up the tables in the JN5169
Please look at the next User Guide https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/user-guide/JN-UG-3113.pdf B.5 Table Configuration Guidelines
100 Nodes Example
set to 26 - this is the minimum size required for a ZigBee-Compliant Platform
The Address Map table on a node is used to keep a record of the address-pairs of network nodes with which the local node needs to communicate directly
The entries in the MAC Address table are referenced from entries of both the Neighbour table and Address Map table
The default size of the Routing table is 70, which should be sufficient for most applications
Could you please clarify , you are referring to a 100 Nodes Example, but
MAC Address Table = Neighbour Table + Address Map = 62
in addition you mentioned:
The MAC Address table on a node is used to store IEEE/MAC address and the network address of each of these nodes.
So with a MAC Address table of 62, how can you get a 100 Nodes on that network ?
Hi @zigbee1,
I hope you are doing great.
Could you please check the value of "ZNC_MAX_TCLK_DEVICES" in AN, Our default value is 20 as below:
Let me know if you are still having this issue.