According to the KW35_36_BLE_power_profile_calculator_v0p9, the adverting interval is 100ms, the processor configuration is 32MHZ FEE using 32MHz XO, the average radio current is 0.4mA. my configuration is fee using 32MHZ XO, bus clock is 20MHZ, the average radio current is about 3mA. Am I configured wrong somewhere? But when my configuration is 20.97MHz FEI using 32kHz IRC, the average radio current is similar to the calculator.
I hope you're doing well!
Could you please confirm on which SDK example did you perform your modifications?
Could you please confirm if you have you disabled all of the unused modules in your project?
Best regards,
Hi, Sebastián. I use SDK 2.2.5, HRS demo. I only change the clock configuration.
Hi @jictannu,
The power profiling calculator tool is designed to provide an approximation to the amount of power that a certain configuration in the KW36 that can be expected.
However, the results provided by this tool are not definitive, and variations may occur for different reasons, as even the physical design of the PCB, some of the peripherals, or even an additional LED being on can change the results of the power measurement. The measurement method itself can also cause variations in the power readings.
Please let me know if you need any more information.
Best regards,