In a bracelet, I connect 001-m17 to another chip (LORA), which transmits my location information to 001-m17. I want to read this information through my mobile phone. Which part of the program should I modify. Thank you!
By any chance could you please provide more details on which buffer are you referring to ? Are you using the UART ? SPI? I2C ? the more details you can provide the better.
I use UART to realize the data exchange between LORA and QN9080-001-m17-BLE. As shown in the figure, pin16 (TXD) and pin17 (RXD) are the corresponding pins. Which variable does 001-M17 assign to the received data exchanged by pin16 and pin17?
Could you please help me check the following ?
BleApp_ReceivedUartStream(deviceId, pServerEvent->eventData.attributeWrittenEvent.aValue,
YES,I found this function. I want to know if the location information of LORA is stored here? And how to send it to the mobile phone? And what program should I add to send this information to my mobile phone.
Please check the documentation mentioned previously for the usage of the stack and the serial manager. You can also use this as a base as you can find here some flow to receive a message trough the wireless uart, then this gets sent by CAN .
Hello, I want to add an array in the program, set a certain time interval, each time will send a pair of data to the mobile phone, how to modify the code? thank you!
As this is a different query for the original one, could you please help us submitting a new thread with the new questions ? This is so it has more order and it is also visible with the new questions.
Could you please help us submitting a new thread with the new questions ?
I would recommend you to first understand a little more on how Bluetooth Low Energy works , you can check this training sessions for a better understanding on the matter.
You will need to make sure that you want to have the Wireless UART profile, this is a custom profile by NXP, so you will need to develop this as well from your application side , if you create a custom profile you can check this :
How to create a Custom Profile-Server
How to create a Custom Profile - Client
Also it will depend on how will you connect your LoRA device to the QN9080SIP, if you are using I2C you can check the serial manager , you can check this document , while the drivers are not the same for the KW41Z and the QN9080, you can use it as a base to understand the main usage of the serial manager in the Bluetooth LE stack.
Thank you for your answer.
Pin16 and pin17 are used to receive and send data with Lora. I have a question. Which variable does 001-M17 assign to the received data?