I'm using the NXP WIFI 88W8997. It works fine after a HW reset but fails on SW reboot.
System's info:
This is the log after power on the board (wifi works in this case):
[ 10.019897] wlan: Loading MWLAN driver
[ 10.020598] wlan: Register to Bus Driver...
[ 10.160347] vendor=0x02DF device=0x9141 class=0 function=1
[ 10.160833] Attach moal handle ops, card interface type: 0x104
[ 10.168040] wlan_sdio mmc3:0001:1: Falling back to user helper
[ 10.182561] SD8997: init module param from usr cfg
[ 10.182579] card_type: SD8997, config block: 0
[ 10.182594] cfg80211_wext=0xf
[ 10.182602] wfd_name=p2p
[ 10.182607] max_vir_bss=1
[ 10.182613] cal_data_cfg=none
[ 10.182618] drv_mode = 7
[ 10.182648] SDIO: max_segs=128 max_seg_size=65535
[ 10.182653] rx_work=1 cpu_num=4
[ 10.182677] Attach mlan adapter operations.card_type is 0x104.
[ 10.183912] wlan: Enable TX SG mode
[ 10.183920] wlan: Enable RX SG mode
[ 10.283850] Request firmware: nxp/sdsd8997_combo_v4.bin
[ 10.283946] wlan_sdio mmc3:0001:1: Falling back to user helper
[ 10.299483] ERROR: v4l2 capture: slave not found!
[ 10.299572] ERROR: v4l2 capture: slave not found!
[ 10.494968] healthd: battery none chg=a
[ 10.497866] healthd: battery none chg=a
[ 11.592505] Wlan: FW download over, firmwarelen=621896 downloaded 621896
[ 11.675688] imx-ipuv3 2400000.ipu: IPU DMFC DP HIGH RESOLUTION: 1(0,1), 5B(2~5), 5F(6,7)
[ 12.545722] WLAN FW is active
[ 12.545731] on_time is 12540252334
[ 12.586463] fw_cap_info=0x18fcffa3, dev_cap_mask=0xffffffff
[ 12.586486] max_p2p_conn = 8, max_sta_conn = 8
[ 12.594460] wlan: wlan0 set max_mtu 2000
[ 12.614027] wlan: uap0 set max_mtu 2000
[ 12.648532] wlan: p2p0 set max_mtu 2000
[ 12.664000] wlan: version = SD8997----16.68.1.p179-MM5X16322.p3-(FP92)
[ 12.665553] fsl-hdmi-dai soc:hdmi_audio@00120000: failed to probe. Load HDMI-video first.
[ 12.666202] imx-audio-hdmi sound-hdmi: initialize HDMI-audio failed. load HDMI-video first!
[ 12.666652] wlan: Register to Bus Driver Done
[ 12.666659] wlan: Driver loaded successfully
This is the log after a SW reset (using commande "reboot" con command line):
[ 8.335916] Request firmware: nxp/sdsd8997_combo_v4.bin
[ 8.336018] wlan_sdio mmc3:0001:1: Falling back to user helper
[ 8.384641] WLAN FW already running! Skip FW download
[ 8.384739] WLAN FW is active
[ 8.384747] on_time is 8379266667
[ 8.446128] ERROR: v4l2 capture: slave not found!
[ 8.446259] ERROR: v4l2 capture: slave not found!
[ 8.576531] healthd: battery none chg=a
[ 8.578358] healthd: battery none chg=a
[ 9.815718] imx-ipuv3 2400000.ipu: IPU DMFC DP HIGH RESOLUTION: 1(0,1), 5B(2~5), 5F(6,7)
[ 11.979204] capability: warning: `main' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
[ 13.445535] Timeout cmd id (13.440037) = 0xa9, act = 0x0
[ 13.445547] a9
[ 13.445551] 00
[ 13.445554] 08
[ 13.445557] 00
[ 13.445560] 01
[ 13.445563] 00
[ 13.445566] 00
I also have tried to make a SW reset by using the following commands as described on driver's README file:
echo "fw_reload=1" > /proc/mwlan/adapter0/config trigger inband firmware reset and reload firmware
echo "fw_reload=2" > /proc/mwlan/adapter0/config trigger firmware reload
They also fail to reset and load the FW.
I have found on internet that this error can also happen when wifi tries to recover from sleep mode and probably this should be a bug on wifi FW.
- Is it a known issue?
- Would it be a problem on wifi firmware?
Best regards,
Hi Rogerio,
"SoC: i.MX6Q" : do you reproduce the issue on our EVK (reference design) board ? Are you using the following board https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/i-mx-evaluation-and-development-boards/sabre-board-for... ?
"Android 9, kernel 4.14.98 from NXP" : which link did you use exactly to get this version on https://www.nxp.com/design/software/embedded-software/i-mx-software/android-os-for-i-mx-applications... ? "Android P9.0.0_2.2.0 (Linux 4.14.98 kernel)" or another one ?
"88W8997 Driver" : on https://www.nxp.com/design/software/embedded-software/i-mx-software/embedded-linux-for-i-mx-applicat... you will see that there is a more recent version 5.15.52_2.1.0. You will see in the rel notes that a new repository is used on github instead of codeaurora : https://github.com/nxp-imx/mwifiex/tree/lf-5.15.52_2.1.0. Could you try with this version ?
Christophe Doumenc
Hi @cdoumenc ,
Thanks for your reply.
1 - I haven't tried on i.MX6SabreSD board yet. I'll try it.
2 - I don't know exactly what branch was used, I'll check and let you know.
3 - I hadn't noticed about this other repository and the new released version. I'll try it.
Let me make all the tests and I'll get back to you.
Hi @karina_valencia ,
Could you please help me to find someone to help me on this issue?
Aditional information.
I'm using the Murata WIFI Module LBEE5XV1YM.
Only after a reset on REG_ON pin the wifi starts to work again, but connection of REG_ON seems to be optional in some documentation.
- Is a reset on REG_ON pin really needed on board's soft reset?