FreeRTOS Integration for STM32L4ZET6 and CMP9010 Chip
I am working on the STM32L4ZET6 controller. I have the CMP9010 chip connected via UART to this controller. I am in the process of integrating the CMP9010 chip into MCU using FreeRTOS APIs. According to the CMP9010 datasheet, FreeRTOS support is available in the EVKs of various i.MX versions for MCU.
I have downloaded one of these EVKs, however, I encountered issues with identifying the exact code that is integrated into the EVK with respect to CMP9010.
Can anyone please help me to resolve this? Your quick help will be much appreciated.
Vidhi V.
Thank you in advance for contacting NXP support.
We currently recommend the NXP Wifi/BT CMSIS pack to easily integrate NXP driver/FW on their STM32 host SW.
This include example of Bluetooth application CMSIS pack. (link).
But unfortunately we do not have any CMSIS pack available for WiFi example application.
We recommend i.MXRT SDKs as reference to get Wifi/BT applications examples.
Refer to MCUXpresso SDK:
- select MIMXRT1060-EVKC board for instance
- select All Toolchains
- with FreeRTOS, NXP Wi-Fi, wpa_supplicant-rtos and Wireless edgefast_bluetooth stack options
IW416 chipset is selected by defining equivalent modules WIFI_IW416_BOARD_AW_AM510_USD or WIFI_IW416_BOARD_MURATA_1XK_USD in app_config.h or app_bluetooth_config.h.
Please let me know if there is anything else where I can help you.